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Elemental planes

The elemental planes within the Planes of existence of Hir. They are part of the metaphysical planes, encompassing dimensions known as the Unending Sea, Ever-Stone, Eternal Fire and Ever Sky. These planes are their names sakes and are representations of the different elements. Meaning, fire mimics the flames of the Eternal Flame, Earth of the Ever stone and so on. These are also the planes that most evocation spells take from. Fireball would pull a small amount of Flame from the Eternal flame and drop it into the plane it was cast on.  

Unending Sea

The unending is an infinite sea biome filled with all the ocean aspects one would come to expect. From the smallest sea creatures to the most impossible krakens and Leviathans. Not many have actually managed to explore the Unending Sea apart from the Triton race whom trace their races in fact back to the Unending sea and the Feywild.  


The Ever stone is a never ending land of earth and caverns. It has been explored but not on any great amount for the people whom can spelunk and travel between the planes is a very slim cross over. However what has been found is many of the rare materials on the Centreplane are fairly abundant in the Ever Stone, such as Gold, Geophoria and Silver.  

Eternal Fire

The Eternal flame is an ever exploding area of pure energy. It is not exactly a fire so to speak but it manifests as such when that energy is removed from the plane. Before people understood the planar composition people assumed it was actually the Sun itself on the Centreplane. Now people think the Sun is actually a mimic of the Eternal flame. However The eternal flame has actually been investigated rather well, and beings known as Flame elementals which were described as carefree wanderers who loved to share stories.  

Ever Sky

The Ever sky is the most investigated of the Elemental Planes. It is a place of everlasting storms and wind. It has no land and entering without preparation will lead to a person falling until they eventually starve of die of thirst. It does however have small clumps of land with blossoming societies of Aarakocra and Air elementals. Though the earth in the plane does not seem to have been native land, instead moved from another plane. Although nobody knows what plane it came from.

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