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Paradiso is an assumed location within the Astral sea, part of the Dreamscape, within the Planes of existance of Hir. However, it is only assumed. If there are positive and negative spaces within the planes that mirror each other, it stands to reason that the Abyss in the lower depths of the dreamscape would have a counterpart in the upper reaches. Yet, there is no documentation of anyone reaching Paradiso, only dead men who died in the act of trying. This puts it up for a lot of debate due to the polarised nature of the Abyss causing madness and insanity in some who reach it, could Paradiso simply end ones life or cause another phenomena that is still unknown? There are assumptions on what it could be but most are bias in personal definitions of what a 'paradise' would be, but most people assume Paradiso to be just that, a paradise for the conciseness. Others link it further with the conciseness' and dreaming, if the abyss is a place of nightmare and cruelty where one looses their grip on their own mind, what is Paradiso is the opposite. Maybe it is ascension.   This is the pain of Paradiso, it is extremely likely to exist however nobody who could have reached it has ever left and many of their mortal bodies died. Leaving more questions than it starts to answer.

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