
Krasnik is the capital city of the Queendom of Krolva, located underground beneath the Dravograd Mountains. It is a primarily Dwarven city, with a significant Oni and Halfkind population.   Krasnik is the sister city to Vorinsk, sharing a deep historical connection while also having distinct differences. While Vorinsk is known for its vibrant, rave-like atmosphere, Krasnik exudes a warm, welcoming charm with its cozy taverns, freely flowing mead, and friendly gatherings. Krasnik's industrious spirit is reflected in its exceptional metalwork, craftsmanship, and jewel-making. It is renowned for utilizing a unique blend of magic and machinery to create high-quality goods from the valuable metals and gems extracted by the various mining towns beneath the Dravograd and Zeligrad Mountains.   Long known as a refuge city, Krasnik stands as a beacon of safety and sanctuary, especially for persecuted Halfkind, who find in it a welcoming haven from discrimination and conflict. The city’s reputation for inclusivity and its commitment to protecting the oppressed reflect its core values: hard work, sweat equity, and a strong sense of community. In Krasnik, the ethos of transforming one's fate through dedicated labor and communal support is not just a principle but a way of life, embodying the belief that everyone deserves a chance to seek a fresh start through honest work and diligent labor.


Krasnik is primarily populated by Dwarven (65%), with a significant Oni (15%) population. The long history of closeness and mixing between the Dwarven and Oni populations within Krasnik has led to a welcoming attitude towards Halfkind, who make up 10% of the population, with the majority of them being Oni-Dwarf Halfkind.


As the capital city of Krolva, Krasnik's daily operations are managed by the city council, while overall governance falls to the kingdom's rulers. The Capital District houses the main government buildings, including the Krolvanian Royal Palace and the Krasnik City Hall.   The city's governance is notably influenced by its powerful guilds, which play a crucial role in shaping both economic and political decisions. These guilds, representing various trades and industries, wield significant authority, often swaying city policies and regulations to benefit their members. Their influence ensures that Krasnik remains a hub of innovation and craftsmanship, with guild leaders frequently participating in council meetings and contributing to the city's strategic direction.   Additionally, Krasnik is renowned as a refuge city for persecuted Halfkind, providing a sanctuary for those fleeing discrimination and conflict. This reputation enhances the city’s diverse and inclusive character, as its policies and governance reflect a commitment to protection and equality for all its inhabitants.


Krasnik's location deep beneath the Dravograd Mountains provides a natural defensive advantage, with limited main roads of access both into and out of the city. The inner city's Capital District is further protected by ancient, heavy wrought metal portcullises of Dwarven design, enchanted with powerful Oni magic.

Industry & Trade

Krasnik's economy is driven by its exceptional metalworking, craftsmanship, and jewel-making. The city's primary exports include finely crafted metal goods, exquisite jewelry, and clockwork machines. Common occupations in Krasnik include metalworkers, jewelers, craftsmen, engineers, and traders. The city imports raw materials like gems and metals for its forges and workshops, as well as importing fresh produce from nearby surface regions.


Krasnik features a highly developed and intricate infrastructure, refined over the ages. The city encompasses an extensive network of watermills, sewers, blast furnaces, forges, steam tunnels, roads, and bridges, which collectively enhance the well-being and quality of life of its residents. The city's innovative spirit has driven the establishment of various public works and facilities, including elevators and steam baths.


Guildworker's District
Home to numerous guilds of metal-workers, including farriers, knife-makers, locksmiths, chain-forgers, nail-makers, and armorers, this district is the true heart of Krasnik. It is powered by a network of massive bellows, clockwork devices, and geothermal steam machines. This district is a hub of industry, with the sounds of hammers ringing through the air late into the night.  
Jeweler's District
Renowned for its exquisite jewelry and gem-cutting, this district is where master jewelers create stunning pieces that are sought after throughout the world. The district is filled with workshops and boutiques displaying their dazzling creations.  
Artisan's Quarter
A vibrant area located at the edge of the Guildworker's District, this part of the city is filled with workshops and studios where artisans and craftsmen create a variety of goods, from pottery to intricate woodwork. This district is known for its creative energy and artistic output.  
Brewer's Belt
A lively area dedicated to the art of distilling, brewing mead, and crafting ale, this area is home to renowned breweries and distilleries, it offers a rich sensory experience with the aromas of fermenting grains, honey, and hops filling the air. The district features numerous tasting halls, meadery markets, and the Brewmaster Guild Hall, which oversees brewing standards and hosts festivals. Educational tours provide insights into the brewing process, while craft ale pubs offer extensive selections of unique and seasonal brews. This district is a vital economic and cultural hub, celebrated for its vibrant atmosphere and dedication to the craft of brewing.  
Market District
The bustling heart of trade, filled with stalls and shops offering a variety of goods, from fresh produce to finely crafted items. The market is lively, with traders and buyers haggling over prices and exchanging stories.  
Residential District
The primary living area for the city's inhabitants, featuring a mix of stone and wooden structures that exude a cozy, homely atmosphere. The district is characterized by narrow, winding streets and close-knit communities.  
Capital District
Located in the inner city, this district houses the main government buildings, including the Krasnik City Hall and the Krolvanian Royal Palace. Tucked against the cavern wall, with key buildings integrated into the rock face, this area is heavily fortified with ancient, enchanted metal portcullises and gates.


Krasnik is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a history spanning thousands of years, back to the founding of the Five Great Kingdoms. As one of the original cities of Krolva, Krasnik has long been a refuge city, offering sanctuary and a warm bed to those in need. Its long history of closeness and mixing between the Dwarven and Oni populations has led to a welcoming attitude towards Halfkind. Krasnik's sister city, Vorinsk, shares a similar history, with both cities playing pivotal roles in the development of their respective kingdoms.

Points of interest

The Golden Anvil Tavern
A popular gathering place known for its raucous atmosphere, flowing mead, and hearty meals. It's a favorite spot for both locals and visitors.
The Clockwork Gardens
A unique park filled with intricate clockwork sculptures and machines, showcasing the city's engineering prowess and artistic creativity. Towering over the park stands a massive clocktower.
The Steamworks
An industrial marvel turned museum in the heart of the Guildworker's District, where visitors can see Vorinsk's famous steam-powered machines and geothermal engines in action. It is a testament to Krasnik's ingenuity and technological advancements.
The Ember Spa
A luxurious retreat in the Capitol District, the Ember Spa is renowned for its opulent steam baths, hot springs, and saunas. Featuring geothermal-heated rooms and bioluminescent flora, the spa offers relaxing thermal experiences infused with rare mountain herbs.


Krasnik attracts a diverse range of tourists, from adventure seekers to culture enthusiasts, all drawn by the city’s unique blend of cultural heritage and lively atmosphere. Visitors flock to the city to experience its renowned craftsmanship, tempted to spend their coin on the intricate metalwork and fine jewelry produced by the talented Dwarven artisans. The warm, convivial atmosphere of Krasnik's pubs and taverns are a major draw as well, and many tourists are particularly eager to explore the Brewer's Belt, renowned for its variety of exceptional meads and ales. Still, some find the scale and urban thrum of Krasnik overwhelming, and the city's many hot springs, saunas, and steam baths have no shortage of tourists seeking a calming respite from the bustle of Krasnik. The city's vibrant traditional festivals also provide ample opportunities for guests to immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry and community-centric lifestyle of Krasnik.   Accommodations in Krasnik range from cozy, family-run establishments to more upscale lodgings, catering to various preferences and budgets. Many visitors choose to stay in the charming guesthouses and inns scattered throughout the edge of the Residential District which borders the the Market District, offering easy access to the city's attractions while retaining a taste of local hospitality. Others opt for stays near the Brewer’s Haven, enjoying the proximity to the city's bustling nightlife. Additionally, those preferring a more exclusive experience may choose to stay at one of the Capital District's high-end lodgings, where they can indulge in a luxurious retreat.


The architecture of Krasnik is a hodge-podge blend of ornate structures carved directly into the mountain, sturdy stone constructions, and ancient wooden buildings. The city is illuminated by a combination of crystal-capped skylights, enchanted streetlights, glowing crystals, and bioluminescent flora. Lighting in Krasnik ranges from warm and cozy to dim, depending on the time of day and weather. A few tall, winding staircases and weighted, mechanical elevators connect the city to the surface high above. The Zevye River runs through the city, its clear blue waters lit from below by luminescent yellow stones. Broad, stone bridges cross the river, often featuring stalls selling wares and trinkets. The city is speckled with age-old pubs and taverns, creating a lively but cozy atmosphere.


The city is located beneath the Dravograd Mountains, with a network of elevators and tunnels leading to the surface. The city is bisected by the Zevye river.


The climate in Krasnik is temperate, averaging around 75ºF (≈24ºC) year-round. The stable temperatures are due to the city's location deep within the cave system, providing a comfortable living environment for its inhabitants.

Natural Resources

Krasnik is rich in natural resources, including various metals and gemstones found in the surrounding mountains. The city's proximity to the Zevye River and access to geothermal vents provides a reliable source of water and energy for its steam-powered machines and forges. Bioluminescent flora and enchanted crystals are also abundant, contributing to the city's unique lighting and atmosphere.
Inhabitant Demonym
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