The All-Seeing Archivist

The All-Seeing Archivist reigns over the domains of knowledge, history, preservation, and the realm of possibility. Often known as "The Archivist", "The One Who Sees", or "The Fateweaver", they are a being of profound wisdom and insight, forever bound to the pursuit of knowledge. They are dedicated to the craft of the preservation of history, seeking to offer a better understanding of the future through studying the past.   The Archivist is a deity characterized by unyielding dedication and patience. They possess an insatiable curiosity and a deep reverence for the intricacies of the tapestry of time. This deity's calm demeanor reflects their commitment to impartiality, ensuring that the history they oversee remains untainted by the biases and prejudices of the moment. They are the patron of foresight and the belief that by understanding the past, one can unlock the secrets of the future.   The Archivist is most often depicted as a cloaked, spectral figure, their body formed from the very pages of ancient tomes and illuminated manuscripts. Their third eye, the source of all knowledge, is an ever-watchful eye that gleams with a silvery, ethereal light. Surrounding this celestial eye are swirling constellations, representing the vast expanse of the cosmos they oversee, and the intertwining of the many possible futures and realities.   The All-Seeing Archivist bestows their blessing upon the Third Scribes through the gift of a magical third eye, a symbol of all-seeing insight and understanding, via a ritual known as Elucidation. With this divine eye, the Scribes are granted the ability not only to record events as they occur but to interpret the lessons of the past and apply them to glimpse the potential futures. Through this power, they serve as seers, guiding their followers in understanding the possibilities that lie ahead.   Worship of The One Who Sees often involves solemn ceremonies held within the hallowed halls of the Great Library. Followers pay homage by dedicating their knowledge, insights, and records to the Library as offerings. It is believed that by seeking The One Who Sees' favor, one may gain clarity and wisdom in their own quests for understanding the past, interpreting it more fully for a better understanding of the future.   The myths surrounding The One Who Sees tell of their creation at the dawn of time, tasked with the eternal urge of preserving the world's history and unlocking the secrets of the future. They speak of the creation of the Third Scribes at a time when The Archivist feared that knowledge had begun to be lost from the mortal world. It is said that they are an all-seeing beacon that illuminates the path of knowledge, enabling those who revere them to discern the possibilities and shape their destinies and fates through the lens of the past.
Divine Classification
Deity of Knowledge

Character Portrait image: by NightCafe and HedonistInk