Third Scribes

The Third Scribes are a magical Order of record keepers, responsible for the archival of the history of the world. Their duties also include overseeing the running of the The Great Library of Mithra. It is said that with the power of their magical third eye, they see everything and note every important event as it happens. It is said that they never rest, and that raw archival magic keeps them alive far longer than any other creature. The oldest record keeper, known as the First Scribe, is said to be over a thousand years old.   Important historical events, such as the signing of significant treaties between kingdoms or marriages involving a member of royalty, must be governed and overseen by a Scribe. Thanks to the power of The All-Seeing Archivist, the Scribes are often prone to showing up at important events such as births or assassinations before anyone has even thought to call on them. For this reaspon, the Archivist is also often known as The Fateweaver, and the Scribes are sometimes seen as harbingers of doom.   The Third Scribes inhabit The Vaults beneath the Great Library, roaming and recording. Only those of Royal Blood or those who are employed as Librarians may enter The Vaults. Anyone who enters The Vaults without proper authorization, or anyone who attempts to desecrate the Great Library is immediately forcibly "Elucidated", the process through which one is turned into a Scribe. Similarly, anyone who attempts to attack a Scribe is also forcibly Elucidated.

Mythology & Lore

The archival power of the Third Scribes is derived from their service to The All-Seeing Archivist. Once a being is Elucidated, a process by which one gains the magical third eye of the Scribes, they will join the ranks of the Scribes. The First Scribe was created when The Archivist began to become concerned with the amount of knowledge that was being lost by society. They strived to find a willing mortal who could help them to ensure that knowledge was preserved. It was at this time that the one who would become the First Scribe was nearing the end of her life. Very concerned that her stories would be forgotten, she reached out to any Deity who would listen, asking for help. The All-Seeing Archivist appeared to her, and offered her a trade. In return for giving up the remainder of her mortal life, the Archivist would give her a way to record her stories, and to ensure that they would never be forgotten. The woman agreed, and in exchange, the Archivist turned her into the First Scribe, giving her the power to write and to magically record vast quantities of knowledge.

Tenets of Faith

The Third Scribes live for knowledge. They exist to record the happenings of the world, in order to preserve an archive of all things, so that none may be forgotten to Time.

Granted Divine Powers

It is said that with the power of their magical third eye, they can see everything and record every important event across the lands in real time. It is said that they never rest, and that raw archival magic extends their lifespans far beyond any other, allowing them to record a history not swayed by the whims of the moment. The current oldest record keeper, known as the First Scribe, is said to be over nine thousand years old.

Knowledge Is Immortal

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Scribes
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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