

The motivation behind building Hislariya

Hislaryia was originally born as a personal diary and self reflection tool. It eventually started including NSFW themes in particular relating with gender identity and sexual orientation and kink exploration.

The goal of the project

Given the interest in my circle of WA friends and the opening to NSFW material in WA I decided to open part of it as a setting for a series of adult short stories. The first aim of these stories is pure entertainment, but I want for it to be a chance to open discussions about non heteronormative or ableist experiences.   These days the project is developing into an outlet to exercise my scene planning skills.   A part of the world will be kept private to fulfill the initial aim.

Hislariya's Unique Selling point

A setting for NSFW stories with a diverse cast of characters that reflects facets of my own identity and hopefully that of some of my readers.



The genre is Low magic/Pirate with an erotic focus.

Reader Experience

The world setting is grim, but the inner world of the characters is exciting and full of possibilities. I am the first reader of this setting and I want to experience through the characters the empowerment of overcoming obstacles and keep their inner freedom. I hope to offer the same kind of experience to other readers too.

Reader Tone

The external world is grim-ish, but the characters are carving a better place for themselves.

Recurring Themes

1. Lines and sails, candlelight, old books and exotic spices. 2. The five senses. 3. Power exchange. 4. Duality. 5. Liminality.

Character Agency

The character have some agency to change the outside world, but most importantly have all the agency in changing themselves and their way to experience the world.


Gender relations: In some parts of the world intersexual and gender non comforming individuals of any species are assimilated to Makarids diaspora and face the same kind of persecution.
Racial relations: Makarids are both feared because of their magical attitude and exploited for it.
Consensual power exchange vs. exploitation: While tiranny, real enslavement and exploitation of people is still present in many parts of the world, several groups of people is taking advantage of willingly delegating power and control to a few trusted individuals.