Adocument displaying the organisational structure of the
Solar Reavers, a blackshields space marine force active in M42.
Blackshield Companies
The blackshields of the Solar Reavers deploy versitle forces to counter any threat, relying on seekers to relay battlefield information to the tactical squads of Odin company. When brutal, close-quater assaults are called for, Marauder company leads the charge with devastating effect.
At battle’s end, or indeed during particularly bloody skirmishes, the Apothecarium wing tends to the blackshield wounded, while extracting valuable geneseed from the honoured dead.
Under the watchful eye of Inquisitor Sander’s inquisitorial retinues, the administrative branch of the Solar Reavers spends much of its time planning for the logistics required for blackshield operations, as well as negotiating for further requisitions and in some cases, diplomacy with both Imperial and non-imperial representatives alike.
The Solar Reavers retain a handful of warships specialised in mobility and are more than capable of clandestine operations. Most notable among the fleet’s assets is its rare firestorm strike cruiser flagship - Sparrow.