
The "Planestalkers" are the Inquisitior's that primarily deal with Yoriqiniya and its affairs. Their lead is a human Ranger by the name of Mio Qusxhu. The other members of the party consist of: Marley Reiss, a human cleric of Pelor; Cecilia Dupont, a human noblewoman of House Balth and Sorcerer; and Thrum the Heavy, a Yarzimi shaman and Minotaur Barbarian.
  Among Yoriqinian's, they are best known for having a heavy hand in advancing their goals and not being subtle in their work. The Planestalkers are generally respected among the country for their bold behaviors and blunt attitudes, while respecting the traditions of the land. The Planestalkers are best known for their tracking of an Anklerbeast that was responsible for killing a prized Couatl.