Salt-Scale Island

A small island in the Chebeco archipelago, south of the main island. Home to the eponymous Salt-Scale Tribe of lizardfolk, the island is avoided by all but the bravest or most foolish ship captains. A large coral reef surrounds much of the coastline, making the approach to the island a dangerous endeavor. The coral has grown over and encompassed the remains of many ships and sailors that met their end in the shallows. If one is able to navigate to the shoreline, the next danger they face is the locals.
  The Salt-Scales have a reputation for being vicious warriors, and greeting all visitors to their island with violence. There are precious few accounts of the island from non-natives thanks to this, but those that have survived tell of an island of immense riches. There's been accounts of veins of precious metals and gemstones that can be seen at the surface, left untapped due to them having no practical value in the way of life on the island. These rumors have led to even more would be prospectors ending up as dinner for the tribe.