Salt-Scale Tribe

The Salt-Scales are a lizardfolk tribe from Salt-Scale Island in the southern Chebeco archipelago. They have a reputation for being incredibly insular and violent cannibals, and attacking any visitors to the island as soon as they reach the shores of their homeland.
  Little is known about the tribe outside of it's members due to the inherent hostility shown to outsiders, and the lizardfolk keeping no written records of their own. What is known goes to show that their reputation is well earned. Cannibalism and consumption of other humanoids is common. No meat is wasted on anything that dies on the island, even their funerary rights are said to involve a feast made from the deceased. Conflict within the tribe is resolved with violence and one of the belligerents consuming the heart of the other.
  The technological level of the tribe is stone age at best, with no apparent research being done to advance this. Their crafting materials consist of wood, bones, and stone, with twisted vines functioning for rope or string when necessary. If anything beyond this level of craftsmanship is seen in the hands of a lizardfolk, one can assume it was taken from the cold dead hands of another race.
  On the individual level, the Salt-Scales are a simple people, motivated by the the 3 F's of survival. Feed, fight, fuck. As such, they have considerable martial prowess and survival skills. Though they are naturally built to survive, they do not fear death. Dying for the tribe is considered a great honor, knowing that when the tribe feasts upon their heart it will strengthen the entire tribe. While the preferred course of action is to engage their enemies head on, they are known to set traps and ambushes if needed to tip the scales in their favor.
  Of those that have managed to cultivate a relationship with members of the tribe, the accounts are often in a positive light. It's said that if you can prove your strength to a Salt-Scale, they treat you no different than they would one of their own. The loyalty of a Salt-Scale cannot be bought, as Salt-Scales place no value on currency, as you cannot eat it. This has made them incredibly valued and sought after as bodyguards in Chebeco. Their reported downsides are that they are almost too eager to die, and that they WILL consume anyone that they best in combat, as is their tradition.