
Castle and surrounding village on the western edge of the woods.
  Owned by Lord Boehemmed
  West of the Tacasian Woods that share it's namesake, Tacasa rests upon a small hilltop in the grasslands of central Jezero. The city and it's fiefdom was acquired by Lord Boehemmed in 1186. At the crest of the hill is Castle Tacasa, which is built in the stone keep style.
  Within that hill lies a second city, an undercity that near matches the size of walled settlement above. It was under the control of a small vampire conclave until they were driven out in 1186. The Redeemers took up residence after the purge, making it a base of operations in mainland Jezero.
  Later that year The Siege of Tacasa would occur, when the devil army marched upon the city after their victory at the Sinking of Field Marshall Kahn Seannery's Expedition. The city fell to the devils, but a band of survivors rallied in the Undercity and were able to stop the total annihilation of the populace.
  In 1187 after The Signing of the Brass Treaty, Lord Boehemmed took leave of his seat ruling Tacasa, and decreed the leader of his armies, Leon, would rule in his stead. He left with his bodyguards, Burke and Wilson, and it was reported that he was headed to Oaer.