
Jezero is the most diverse ethnographic population among humanoid races in the world, with a close second going to Oaer. The last census taken in 1179 showed that the Human population was the highest among all at a staggering 51.2%, although this didn't account for human half breeds or human adjacent races like Tiefling or Fimi. The southern rural countryside is largely human, as the chief human deity is Balthazar, God of Humanity and Crusades and in his time he was a farmer himself, owing many people to attribute farming to holy work. The cities of Fxithike, Burzdil, Shaarj, Boehemia, Tacasa, and Kvant are largely human with each city having its own individual flavor or embassy of non human races.   In the cities north of the Rozdelit Mountains are where the majority of non human races come from, such as Goblins, Gnomes and Goliaths who co-habitat the peaceful city of Oplata. The city of Ingilstram is home to the industrious and largely prosperous dwarves of House Tolani and home of the high king, Fenrik. Off the west coast rest the Dyet Isles, home to the fierce Wood Elves under the banner of House Hlethllwyn, ruled by Vinagreet their Queen. In the far northern reaches of Jezero is home to Xidaoyen, the temple of reverence and worship and their studious Dragonborn priests, scribes, theologians and warriors.   The last major cultural region of Jezero is the Secour Isle, home to the Council of Mages of Jezero who reside in Port Secours. This island is home to Ophiuchus, the current chosen of the The Amethyst Serpent and the The Aldini Tribe who raised him and are xenophobic shamans who worship Maodin, God of Creation, Stars, and Grand Designs in the old arts of soul magic. To the northern end of the island is the city of Vernekt, best known for being the most fertile wine country in the entire world.   The different regions of the country are ruled under a loose agreement made hundreds of years ago called the The Peperit Concordant which gives a Monarch the ability to rule the vast tides of land under some non-traditional rules; The Monarch shall always provide defense against invasions to all lands under their control under penalty of treason; The Monarch must always let autonomous areas remain unmolested; The Monarch must hold a public court of appeals used for the common folk to share grievances and requests. These simple sets of rules have kept peace in the country for 500 years.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations