The Hunter's Basin

Located in Western Yoriqiniya, The Hunter's Basin is a large wooded area that stretches down and out from the border mountains. It is well known as a premier hunting ground, with all the animals in the area reaching well above average size.
  Few people call the Basin home, and those that do are often solitary folks, living in the wilderness and avoiding contact with others. What would be considered the "town" was just a general store and a smith where the carriage road ends, providing what the locals can't scavenge for in the wild. This however began to change around 1188, as The Devil War wound to a close in Jezero.
  After the end of the war, The Devil's Syndicate began construction on a hunting lodge in the Basin. The project began smoothly, with Yoriqiniya's only true law being The Right of Conquest, they simply brought enough men to fight anyone who would dare oppose the construction. At first, there was little opposition, even the insular locals were convinced it would be nice to have a place to find wine, women, and song. However, as the lodge began attracting it's intended clientele of rich trophy hunters, the mood quickly changed. Locals were disgusted by the avarice on display. The lodge would send large hunting expeditions out who would kill a dozen creatures on the trip, only to take a trophy from one and leave the rest to rot. The construction crews began clear-cutting the forest around them to build the lodge ever larger.
  In the early months of 1190, the locals finally had enough and attempted to sack the lodge. The attempt was a spectacular failure, succeeding only in invoking the wrath of the owner Brysellia. The offending locals were killed, along with the local smith and merchant, who's shops are now ran by the Syndicate. There are open bounties on anyone who lives within the basin, and hunting them is now an expedition offered at the lodge.
  It has been noticed since the failed siege, that there are fewer lodge workers and patrons returning from their expeditions than setting out on them.