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Located in Uldrinn Swamp, Ven is a large militant elven city hidden inside the Uldrinn Swamp. Large stone walls ring the city, a large gate leads into the city. To enter the city you are required to have a Passtoken or be represented by an elf in a position of authority.   Important People: Darried Eirsolth  Tella Fellowind  Zelough Teir'alk  Ralph Benstin  Council of Ven    Notable Locations: Outer Ring  Inner Ring


96% Elf, 4% Other


Ven is run by a council of elves in innermost circle of Ven, there are representatives from the surrounding farming villages.


Ven has the Iron Warden, which is the military, and the city is surrounded by large walls. Ven is on the far side of Uldrinn Swamp which is slow to traverse, making it difficult for armies to make their way to Ven.

Industry & Trade

Ven produces high quality weapons and armor, along with having the most powerful enchanters. They rely mostly on importing food and exporting luxury goods.


Sewers, roads, forges, water system

Guilds and Factions


The longest lasting elven city that has survived many extinction level events due to powerful magic and wariness of other races. Recently in the past couple decades the elves have begun to form alliances and relationships outside of their own city.


Ven is surrounded by plainlands, with Uldrinn Swamp surrounding the plainlands 10 miles from the city's border.
Large city
Characters in Location

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