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Alchemist’s Tower

The mysterious tower where the Alchemist's Guild resides. Some say that its size betrays the vast expanse inside.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Alchemist's Tower is to provide all the necessary things to create an environment to continuously advance human knowledge.


Several changes have happened over the years as the Alchemist's Guild grew in members and as they advanced. Not only was it the sciences that the Alchemist's Guild focused on, but also the magics of the world.   Through sheer force of will and ingenuity they approached the necessary levels of mastery in magic to be able to expand the interior of the tower as need be until science could replicate the same effect. Before then, all of the modifications done to the tower were making it taller and taller.


The architecture for the outside of the Alchemist's Tower is plain and doesn't provide much inspiration towards the ultimate peak of human knowledge. It seems a standard tower going straight up with turrets at the top presumably where archers would set themselves up at to defend the building.   The interior of the Alchemist's Tower changes abruptly from the simple stacked stone and mortar to intricate gothic interiors with plenty of arches to support the high ceilings and semicircular shapes favorited in the beginning of the tower.   The Keep is where samples of various things are kept. Everything from dirt samples to whole human bodies are kept in storage neatly organized and labeled. Among these samples include various wild animals in as close as possible of a habitat to their native locale. This is done by magical means until scientific ones can replicate it.   Resources is where all of the written knowledge that the Alchemist's Guild has acquired throughout its long history. It is a giant circular room that stretches an unobservable amount both in height and width. While the walls are impossibly far away, it is still possible to reach them through willing yourself to come closer. One of the only environs in the Alchemist's Tower that changes to befit its occupants.   Testing is where all tests that can be done in a controlled environment take place, if a controlled environment cannot fulfill the needs of a test they are done elsewhere outside of the tower. Various facilities are available like simulated rivers with changeable flow, width, and depth, to near-vacuums.    Housing is where all of those who are of the guild can go to sleep and eat. Each Guild member is assigned one room. The room, while changing to the needs of the occupant, doesn't differ greatly from the default single room containing a bed, sink, stove, toilet, and shower. Any other personal wants are to be procured or requested.


The Alchemist's Tower was built several years after the founding of the Alchemist's Guild. Once Gregor had recruited enough members from wealthy families he then had them build the very beginning of what would be the Alchemist's Tower. It had initially started as a workshop with one of every tool during that time in history. The founder and various higher ranking members were the only ones who could enter the building and the other members were left to continue work for the guild outside of the tower and wherever knowledge could be found and discovered.   It wasn't until a bout a century and a half that the Tower, whose height had reached beyond that of any other in continent, that the means to magically increase the volume of the tower were discovered. By that point, the lower levels of the tower were open to any and all members of the guild. The changes to the organizational structure of the tower along with many of it's functions happened along with almost every new discovery.   Due to the ever progressing nature of the knowledge of the Alchemist's Guild, the interior space of the Alchemist's Tower is near infinite.
Alternative Names
The Tower
Owning Organization

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