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Celestria, Goddess of Life


Goddess of life who created all forms of life that can be found.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols/Sigils of Celestria come in two forms: a young sapling with a single leaf on it, and a great oak tree. The sapling varients are usually etched or put onto people, places, or things that involve infancy, pregnancy, and birth. The oak tree variety are usually constructed in front of buildings or put on hanging banners to depict people, places or things that are related to old age, growth, and healing.


There are three holidays associated with Celestria and her followers. There is Seeding, Delivering, and Preserving.   Seeding is focused on the active part of life creation. Whether it is sex or planting seeds, these actions are encouraged to be made on this day. At least one action must be made to begin life.   Delivering is focused on the arrival of life and actually takes place over the course of a week. Delivery takes a long time to allow for any sort of individual difference in birthing, harvesting, or such action. Delivery always takes place nine months after seeding to accurately capture child birth. The week also coincides with a harvest of some kind where fruits of labor are the delivery upon which the seeding was for.   Preserving is a day dedicated to the active prolonging of lives, whether it is a day to heal old wounds and to start the fixing of detrimental habits.


Family Ties

Daughter of Tora

Triplet to Dratma and Trayma

Older sister to the Warring Six

Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
One of the triplets of Tora.
Ruled Locations

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