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Church of the Three

A church dedicated to the observation and following of the three gods of magic. Dratma the god of light, Trayma the goddess of darkness, and Celestria the goddess of life. Neither god takes precedence over the other in the overarching religion.


Oracle High Priest Priest Acolyte Worshipper

Mythology & Lore

The Triplets of Tora, running wild and free in the primordial era of existence created by their mother decided to change it a little. Dratma, with his stunning incandescence drew out nearly all of the light in his body to bring brightness to a universe that was somewhere between light and dark. Trayma, who was jealous of Dratma for possessing the ability to give out of himself, decided to steal some of the light, and thus the difference between two ideas came to be. Light and dark, hot and cold. Celestria, who always loved to play with the many materials her mother made, decided to breathe life into her playthings. She created all manner of life from the smallest creatures to the largest trees with the dirt, water, and whatever else she could find.   From these three children of the first goddess, Tora, came life and all of its qualities.

Divine Origins

The religion is a mix of the three different worship groups that followed the triplets when they roamed the earth still.   The Great Reunion between the triplets, who had mostly stayed away from each other, created harmony between the different followings who had hated and killed each other. The result of the Great Reunion was that the three religions grew to create a symbiotic relationship, where one needs the other two to function.

Cosmological Views

The people of this religion recognize that while Tora created all manner of matter the three triplets created life and, by extension, them. While they mention Tora, she is only a background character compared to the three triplets who are the focus of the people's worship and learning.

Tenets of Faith

Give onto others when they need of it Take from others what they may not want Live to enjoy life and prolong it.


Once a week you must present something that you made entirely by yourself to Dratma to a nearby altar. Once a week you must take a burden from someone, whether it be a chore or duty does not matter. Once a week you must offer a piece of yourself, no matter how small, to Celestria in a ritualistic manner. To give to Celestria you must first thoroughly clean whatever it is that you plan to give, whatever it may be.


A priest, someone who follows the many facets of the religion, is chosen by a retiring priest of the town, by a council of priests, or by any of the High Priests. A priest guides the people of the faith once every month

Granted Divine Powers

Sometimes, a god will choose a life to bear a blessing. The blessing in question will always be related to the god that has done the choosing. Dratma will give blessings related to giving, Trayma will give blessings related to taking/receiving, and Celestria will give blessings related to the many aspects of life. This child will be known as a Chosen from then on.


  • Givers of Dratma
The givers of Dratma focus solely on the act of giving and making things for others. All that they make is free for anyone to take if they have need or want for it. Anything they own must be made by themselves, though they are free to use tools and are free to receive help when offered. They are people who always look to give to those around them.
  • Receivers of Trayma
the receivers of Trayma focus solely on the act of lifting burdens from anyone that might need it. Any who has a burden that they may not be able to bear by themselves can find a receiver of Trayma that will at least accompany them and help them. Anything they own must be a gift from someone else, and it should be something that was not asked for. They cannot choose what they receive, and are bound to receive whatever comes their way. They are people that aim to lessen the weight of people's lives.
  • Growths of Celestria
The growths of Celestria aim to lead lives that focus on the act of making places suitable for living. They clean places that others may not, they grow all manner of vegetation, and they raise all manner of livestock. They are healers, caretakers, and people who avoid conflict. They are somewhat promiscuous, but only amongst themselves. They are people that want to experience all facets of life, and create positivity that will result in the prolonging or creation of life.

Living as The Three would want

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Magic Church, Church of the Magi

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