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Dratma, God of Light

God of Light Dratma

The god of light. The one who brought all light into existence

Divine Domains

Light and giving

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Dratma is any depiction of the sun. The sun is believed to be a crude mimicry of Dratma that the god had created himself to ever cast light and thus Dratma had given his people a symbol to recognize him by.


There is one holiday that the followers of Dratma observe. It is a day of charity towards any cause. The charity work done could be of any quantitative or qualitative value. Whether it is donating time, money, work done, or other such benefit to the benefactor.   Organizations are not the only ones that can benefit from this day and donations can be given to any and all entities whether person, creature, or otherwise.


Family Ties

Son of Tora

Triplet to Trayma and Celestria

Older brother to Warring Six

Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
One of the triplets of Tora

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