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Πέρα (Péra)

"The Realm Beyond the Stars". In Verdai, the concept of planes is presently unknown as part of the gods greater plan of isolation, but one realm has made itself known to select mortals.  Πέρα is the realm of Athanasios, gifted to the god by the Twin Moons. Here Athanasios consolidates the souls of the dead, where they rest in eternal paradise. Πέρα has an anomalous trait, however. The realm of the dead bleeds in to Solum and the souls of the dead manifest in the sky was stars. Its rumored that the stars move across the sky and form into constellations as old friends and families reunite.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of the Dead, The Sea of Stars, The Life Beyond
Plane of Existence
Location under


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