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Roaming Sentinel Squad

Founded almost two hundred years after the Eternal Dusk's end, the Roaming Sentinel Squad was originally established by the Ostian Royal Court as a means to end the monster crisis in Ostia and modern-day Lokrein. Also known more colloquially as the "Second Sons," the RSS is comprised largely of Barony and Baronet knights who are often second, third, or fourth in line to their noble inheritance. As part of the tradition for this group, knights of the RSS divorce themselves of their lineage to dedicate their lives to eradicating monsters and instilling peace and prosperity across their kingdom. As the years have passed by, the RSS has grown beyond their original estimation of a squad. Despite this growth, the group continues with the name "Roaming Sentinel Squad" out of tradition and posterity.   As of the year 497, 2nd Era, the Roaming Sentinel Squad manages its time between quelling monster threats and providing general support and protection for the Ostian people. This has expanded into positions related to legal relief and aid, often posing as temporary marshals, bailiffs, or emergency response services for extenuating events and circumstances.   Current serving members as of 497 2nd Era include:

Sergeant Dame Eloise Ryder (Tregescester)
Right Wing Ser Bradley Ryder (Tregescester)
Ser Charles Hawthorne (Illoch)
Left Wing Ser Cecil Westbrook (Aberhurst)
Ser Damon Gauthier (Daldun)
Ser Fox Ackerley (Rombury)
Ser Ashley Ellison (Armadton)
  (Baronet Ser Bartholemew Snyder (Tregescester)
Ser Allan Stoddard (Tregescester)
Dame Emeliana Byrd (Illoch)
Ser Abe Faucher (Illoch)
Ser Topher Mathers (Illoch)
Ser Tullis Plank (Aberhurst)
Ser Harper Reeve (Aberhurst)
Ser Kelly Fletcher (Fossfirth)
Ser Keagan Stone (Fossfirth)
Ser Donovan Martel (Fossfirth)
Ser Landor Gage (Fossfirth)
Ser Connor Coupe (Armadton)
Ser Leon Marchand (Armadton)
Dame Beatrice Charron (Armadton)
Dame Marissa Dyer (Ardmadton)
Ser Leon Kemp (Daldun)
Dame Louise Brisbois (Daldun)
Dame Marionna Lapointe (Daldun)
Ser Alsand Leclerc (Daldun)
Ser Alvin Faulkner (Rombury)
Ser Howard Foster (Rombury)
Ser Elvin Hoggard (Rombury)
Ser Reese Wyman (Rombury)


The Roaming Sentinel Squad is a coalition of Barony and Baronet knights. The leading position is known as Sergeant, and it is acquired through a process. First, two or three candidates are chosen by the organization. These candidates are presented to the Crown at an official hearing overseen by the Ostian Knight's Order and leaders from the Order of the Dracoliths (Children of Progeny). Out of the candidates, the King or Queen will annoint the Sergeant to lead.   The Sergeant chooses their first and second command, who are in charge of leading smaller teams and will assume the role of Seargant in descending order if the Seargant falls in battle.


Although of militant origin, the culture of the RSS is brotherly and based on comraderie. Each of the knights in this group are noted for their position and rank both as nobility, as second sons in nobility, and for their training as Ostian knights. They often form a close-knit bond as they travel the country-side patrolling for rogue monsters and to generally provide aid to their people. Despite their varied noble houses and backgrounds, the Second Sons operate as a form of found family. It is rare that a Second Son leaves the RSS through means of retirement; often it is a life-long commitment.

Public Agenda

The RSS is tasked with managing monster uprisings throughout Ostia. They also act as a roaming reserve of soliders in the event of war or skirmish. Their first duty is to serve Ostia and the Crown; they can be called upon by the Crown for specific missions or for new directives. They often are expected to hold the line between monsters and civilization. Their official oath and promise is to serve the Crown and its people. Their personal promise is to extend aid to those in need throughout Ostia.


Funded by the Crown, the RSS receives an allocation of military funding each year, which may fluctuate with the size and needs of the group, as well as extenuating circumstances such as war or temporary leaves of absence.   Often, the RSS are provided housing and shelter by all Baronies and Baronets of Ostia and can conduct "permanent" horse exchanges up to three times a year. Whenever an exchange is made, the horse supplier will be reimbursed by RSS funding.   RSS personnel are also given rations and allowances as part of their coalition funding, which can be used to room and board. They are also funded with one central castle where they can return for respite and mission coordination. This keep is located at the border of Illoch and Verdley Territory, due north of Castle Iarmhéid.


The RSS was founded in 182 2nd Era by King Iarlaithe of Ostia out of a perceived need for long-ranging support across the kingdom of Ostia. The first Sergeant was a Ser Malcom Lightfoot. The primary directive for the RSS was to exterminate threats across Ostia, often in the form of monsters, though they could be levied for other forms of martial support.

Forgo Our Fortunes; Fortune for Our Land

Founding Date
182, 2nd Era
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Second Sons of Ostia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Royal Affiliate

The Roaming Sentinel Squad is an official affiliate of the Kingdom of Ostia.


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