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The Elves - Sylphid (SILL-fidd)

The Sylphid are a myriad bunch, as varied as the climes of Verdai. There are six known types of elf walking the continent. These are the Anguana (Sea Elf), Anjana (High Elf), Chione (Snow Elf), Fata Trochosa (Dark Elf), Níðival-tivar (Shadow Elf), and Selvans (Wood Elf). How and where they dwell are unique to their region and variations, each reflective of how the Elf came to being.

Alongside the Zwergekin (Dwarves), the Syphid races are credited with ushering in the first era with their collection of oral lores. The Sylphids did not write their history until the start of the second era. Until then, they kept their personal histories shared by word of mouth within their families, as well as through visions the Sylphid would experience during their trances. In Sylphid societies, someone is considered an adult when they begin having visions of their families lives and sharing experiences with their kin - usually around 100-115 years old. Cultural histories were tasked to the memories of what the Sylphids called "Conservators". Each clan had at least two, chosen from the wisest of their peoples Sylphid. 

Specific information on the different races of Sylphid can be found sorted in the following sections.

Basic Information


All Bipedal humanoids, all Syphids have two arms, two legs, and pointed ears. Aside from the top of their heads, Sylphids have an entire lack of body hair.
Aguana A set of gills located at the clavicle and webbed feet
Fata Trochosa Long, spindly appendeges for navigating through narrow crevaces.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fata Trochosa
Cooler, musty caverns in Hrímdjúpr that easily grow and cultivate edible mushrooms, but warm enough that the drows drider counterpoints and comfortably live and hunt for food.

Ecology and Habitats

Large bodies of water, preferably the ocean
Low Valleys and Plains
Tundra, high mountains
Fata Tochosa
Heavy Forest, Jungle

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous - Fish, kelp, rice
Vegitarian - Berries, pulse crops, grain
Carnivorous - Hares, Elk, Moose, Goat
Fata Tochosa
Vegitarian - Mushrooms, Spider Eggs, Myconid Spores
 Omnivorous - Unknown
Vegitarian - Berries, pulse crops, grain

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, Keen Senses
10 Feet of Blindsense when fully submerged
+2 Racial Bonus to tracking and spotting creatures in the Snow
Fata Trochosa
Enhanced Darkvision
+2 Racial Bonus to tracking and spotting creatures in brush and heavy forest

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Fata Trochosa
The drider of Hrímdjúpr have integrated into society, where they protect, feed, and feed on the drow as the needs arise. The driders themselves help tame wild spiders that the Feérica Gruta use as pets and mounts.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elvish (High) - Anjais
Elvish (Sea) - Anguiti
Elvish (Snow) - Chioti
Undercommon - Sob-falar
Primordial - Skagð

Common Dress Code

Tight low cut shirts that do not impede gills and pants to keep from impeding movement under water.
Flowing robes, dresses, and tunics befitting of master seemsters.
Animal pelts, leathers
 Tunics and pants, made of silks and cotton.
Fata Trochosa
Leather scraps and tight fitting garments of spider silk

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Fata Trochosa
When a Drider decides to start a brood, the Fata Trochosa hold a festival in honor of the driders and hold a sacred ceremony in the name of Eleanor to find a suitable sacrifice among the drow for the driderlings to feast on. Depending on the size of the brood or the amount of driders having children, there may be multiple sacrifices. These individuals are empowered by Eleanor's blessing and guarantee that the driderlings will survive to adulthood, where they will then take over for the elderly driders (whose bodys will be reused for tools and material) or travel deeper into Hrímdjúpr with a selection of drow to start new settlements.


The first Syphid as we properly know them, these four subraces of elf were born of the Eladrin. The Anguana are born to those of summer, Anjana of the fall Eladrin, Chione of winter, and the Selvans of spring. These four groups would travel the lands, seraching for a suitible place to settle, abandoning the fey ideals of a nomadic life, and with often less reguard to nature. From these four races, two more would emerge - the Fata Trochosa and the Níðival-tivar. 
The Anguana, or Sea Elves, settled in the lakes and oceans around across Holdtronja. They are dominant in Verdai, what is now known as Gioveghanni. Throughout the first era, the Anguana where noted among the other Sylphid clans as being inherently cruel and viscious. This is because the clans wars with the Tritons that held the waters before the arrival of the Anguara, as well as the Anguara being the only Sylphid clan to willingly eat meat. Despite this surface perception, the Anguana are considered artisans among the ranks of gnomes, specifically mastering the techniques of glassblowing, jewelcrafting, and metalsmithing.
The most common of the Sylphid, the Anjana are split into two distinct identities - Sol and Luna. The Luna worhipped the moons, and thus their pale visage was breathed into their being, as well as a limiteless font of wisdom. The Sol followed the Dragon Gods of the first era, and thus reflected their fire. For this, these two factions never quite got along, often warring during the first era. It wasn't until the second era where the lands where united to six countries that the Sol and Luna began to be grouped together under the lay term of "High Elf". Despite, there is still animosity between the two.
The rarest of the original four Sylphid clans, the Chione are children of winter. Pale as the snow they walk on, the Chione thrive in the harshest arctive environments. Most live on the highest mountains and far in the arctic desert of Halberghair, with very few ever venturing into more "civilized" lands. It is said that the Chione are purely carnivores, feeding off of moose, polar bears, and other large mammals and birds. Legends also claim that these Sylphid are light enough that they can stand on freshly fallen snow as if it were compacted dirt.
The Selvans are the product of spring. At their inception, they made a break for the highest and densest of forests, fully embracing nature. For this, the Selvans are seen by the Anjana as remaining feral when they reached proper enlightenment. This could not be further than the truth. Generally, the Selvans rely on renewable resources for any and all tools, and only kill when one of their own or the forests they live in are threatened by outsiders. Skilled archers, the Selvans dwell in the treetops, where they can watch over their domain with ease, and arent easily threatened by interlopers. The Selvans clans are an anomoly for being one of the few peoples to largely remain removed from The Eternal Dusk.
Fata Trochosa
Early in the first era, there was a schism within the Anjana Luna. While most believed in peace, and only vouched for violence when it came to defending their livelyhoods, a vocal minority advocated for the wholesale destruction of the Anjana Sol, and believed that the Luna alone were the children of the moons, and thus they should hold sole power over Holdtronja. Branded as warmongers and monsters, these Anjana were banished from Luna society. During their exodus, their reputation stuck and were shunned from every major settlement. No where else to go, the outcast clan found Hrimdupr. This deep land was inhospitible to the Sylphid, however, and most died in famine. Eleanor took pity on the survivors, seeing them as her true champions. She bestowed their strongest warriors with her blessing, turning them into the first driders, and the rest into a form that would survive the harsh conditions. They became the Fata Trochosa. In the time thats passed, the Fata Trochosa has become largely peaceful, providing tribute to the driders in exchange for protection. These deep elves would have an early rivalry with the Sobenano, but that quickly dissipated when the Zwerge attempted to mass enslave Hrimdupr. They failed to enslave the Fata Trochosa, however, and the elves would become sympathetic to the Sobenano and Bwbach, and harbor a deep hatred of the Zwerge.
Extremely little is known about the Níðival-tivar. Few have been seen in Verdai, but it is a number enough to confirm the sixth elven race. The common theory is a rogue clan of Sylphid more heinous than those that would become the Fata Trochosa were not banished by their clan, but instead were moved by Sandor to a far off land to prevent large amounts of bloodshed and suffering. Those who were seen in Verdai never gave their origin, and were incrediblely resistant to any magical attempt to pry.

Historical Figures

Morgana Salavarrieta
Knitted the weave together with advanced magics, making the arcane accessable for all persons with the aptitude to learn.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

When a Sylphid mates with another Sylphid, they take the subrace of their mother. Otherwise, Sylphids have been known to mate with Humans, making Mendiantrochi, or Half Elves/Sylphid, in the process.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
~900 years
Average Height
Anguana, Anjana, Cihone, Níðival-tivar 5'6"-7' | Fata Trochosa 6'6"-8' | Selvans 4'6"-6'
Average Weight
90-150 lbs.
Average Physique
Fata Trochosa
Appears sickly and malnourished, but a close glance reveals that the muscles of the drow are incredibly well defined. In the darkness of Hrímdjúpr, one could be confused for mistaking the long, gaunt frame of the drow as that of a long limbed monster lurking in the shadows.
Generally lithe humanoids
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shades of green, teal, and blue
Fata Trochosa
Shades of Purple and Grey, light hair
Facial marking resembling tattoos, but entirely natural, light grey skin


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