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Hrímdjúpr (h-REEM-dyuup-er)


Hrímdjúpr is an incredibly vast network of caves and caverns. Though it has not been proven yet, it is believed that every section of Hrímdjúpr under verdai is connected in some way. The reason this hasn't been proven is how dangerous it is to explore Hrímdjúpr. Twisted, nonsensical tunnels lead into underground volcanos, deeps lakes, rushing rivers, poisonous mushroom forests, hostile life, and bottomless crevices.

Localized Phenomena

In place of the sun to provide light, Hrímdjúpr gains its lighting from the lava rivers and pools in volcanic area, and bioluminescent creatures and plants in the cooler areas.


Within the tunnels of Hrímdjúpr, it is infrequent to run into any traditional form of weather. Generally, Hrímdjúpr is cold, near 30 degrees Fahrenheit in regions without lava activity. In these volcanic regions, the temperature has been recorded to reach as high as 120 degrees. In very large caverns there have been recordings of rain and snowfall, and in incredibly rare instances, tornados.


It is believed that Hrímdjúpr was formed when Eleanor set foot on Verdai and opened The Wound (which is believed to be the largest entrance into Hrímdjúpr on Holdtronja. Early in the first era, gnomes and elves who were banished from their homes would be exiled into Hrímdjúpr, where they would grow and becoming the Ceudwll Gnofa (Svirfneblin) and  Feérica Gruta (Drow), respectively. Some dwarves would prove too greedy and dig too deep into their mountains. These dwarves would become the Fobheinn Troich (Duergar). These three races would soon find that they weren't alone in Hrímdjúpr. They found Myconid, Driders (of which the Feérica Gruta would integrate with), fomorians, ilithid, and an obscene amount of aberrations.
Alternative Name(s)
The Underdark
Underground / Subterranean
Location under


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