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Humans are known to be some of the most curious creatures that live in almost every corner of the realms. Mankind can always be found in almost every conflict and almost every integral story to Hollows Landings history.


The Origin of mankind can be traced back to the dawn of creation during the original nine Titan god's descent onto Hollows Landing. Humans were originally created by the Titan God, Talos in order to aid him in the war against the titan Xaros. Humans were made to be as quickly made, raised and dispatched in order to compete with Xaros' Demon army. For this humans were born with the innate abilility to practice and hone skills in a shorter amount of time than most races with their shorter life spans compared to other races at the time. Human's spread about the world with their curiosity after the war. They spread into their seperate tribes and kingdoms. Human innovation and expansion didn't end after the titan gods left however, instead they quickly set out to achieve more being the curious creatures they are about the world. Most other races see human curiosity as their ultimate downfall.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
60 - 80 years
Average Height
5 feet, 9 inches
Average Weight
130 - 180 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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