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Jack Weston

As you enter the dimly lit room, the first thing you notice is the overwhelming aura of arrogance emanating from the figure seated behind the massive mahogany desk. This is no ordinary tiefling - this is a mafia boss, and he knows it. His piercing yellow eyes meet yours, and you can't help but feel a shiver run down your spine. He's tall, lean, and impeccably dressed in a tailored suit that exudes power and wealth. His horns, sharp and menacing, curve back from his forehead, and his skin is a deep, ruddy red that seems to flicker with flames. A smug smirk is ever-present on his thin lips, and his voice drips with contempt and disdain for those around him.   Despite the seriousness of his position, this tiefling has a penchant for making jokes - though they're often cruel, twisted, and more than a little sadistic. He seems to find great pleasure in the suffering of others and relishes in tormenting his enemies. You can practically feel the evil energy radiating from him like a palpable force.   As you watch him speak to his subordinates, you can see the way they cower and grovel in fear - this tiefling is not to be trifled with. He rules his criminal empire with an iron fist, demanding loyalty and obedience from his followers at all costs. Anyone who dares to cross him will face swift and brutal retribution.   In short, this tiefling mafia boss is a force to be reckoned with. Arrogant, cruel, and endlessly scheming, he's a master of manipulation and deception. Whether you're his ally or his enemy, you'll want to keep your guard up around him - you never know when he'll turn his razor-sharp wit against you.   His name is Jack Weston...  

Early Life

Born into the prestigious Wesley noble family, his arrival brought an unexpected twist to the lineage. While his parents, Andres and Selena Wesley, were both humans, Jack emerged as a Tiefling. From the very beginning, Jack's parents exhibited an extraordinary depth of love and acceptance. Their open hearts embraced their unique son, refusing to discriminate or treat him as different in any way. Instead of casting him aside or concealing his true nature, they celebrated Jack's individuality, fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Weston's fancy yellow vest and purple coat exuded a regal elegance that caught the eye of all who passed by. The vest was made of the finest yellow silk, with intricate gold embroidery that danced along the front and around the edges. The embroidery depicted fantastical creatures such as dragons and unicorns, bringing to mind tales of heroes and legends. The purple coat was equally impressive, made of the softest velvet and adorned with gold buttons that glimmered in the light. The coat fit the man perfectly, hugging his broad shoulders and tapering in at the waist, accentuating his trim figure.   As for his accessories, Weston, wore several golden rings on his fingers, each one studded with precious gemstones. One ring in particular caught the eye, with a large emerald that sparkled in the sunlight.   Completing the ensemble were his fine leather boots, with gold buckles that matched the rings on his fingers. The boots were polished to a high shine, reflecting the surroundings like a mirror.

Personality Characteristics


Weston has a singular motivation: to have complete control over a nation by being the richest in all the land. His obsession with wealth and power has driven him to amass a vast fortune through his control of lost artifacts, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his ultimate goal.   For Weston, money is not just a means to an end. It is the end itself. He believes that with enough wealth, he can buy anything and everything he desires, including the loyalty of those in power. His vast fortune has allowed him to fund political campaigns, bribe officials, and control the flow of information. He has built a vast network of spies and enforcers who are always watching, always waiting for any potential threats to his power.   Weston's desire for complete control over a nation is driven by his need for absolute power. He believes that with enough wealth and influence, he can shape the nation in his own image, bending it to his will and using it to further his own interests.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ego: Weston's ego is his main flaw. He is so convinced of his own greatness that he often underestimates his opponents and takes unnecessary risks.   Cockiness: Weston's cockiness is another major flaw. He believes that he is invincible and often taunts his enemies, which can lead to his downfall.   Greed: Weston's insatiable greed often clouds his judgment. He is so focused on amassing wealth and power that he fails to consider the consequences of his actions.   Ruthlessness: Weston is ruthless in his pursuit of power. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, even if it means betraying those who are closest to him.   Impulsiveness: Weston often acts on impulse, without fully considering the consequences of his actions. This can lead to mistakes and missteps that undermine his power.   Arrogance: Weston's arrogance often blinds him to the perspectives and needs of others. He believes that he knows best and that his way is the only way, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.   Short-tempered: Weston has a short fuse and is quick to anger. This can lead him to lash out at others, even when it is not in his best interest to do so.   Overconfidence: Weston's overconfidence can lead him to take unnecessary risks and make mistakes. He is so convinced of his own greatness that he fails to see the dangers that lie ahead.   Paranoia: Weston is often paranoid about potential threats to his power. This can lead him to become overly suspicious of others and make enemies where there are none.   Lack of empathy: Weston often lacks empathy for others, seeing them only as pawns to be used in his pursuit of power. This can lead to a lack of loyalty and trust from those around him.


Social Aptitude

Weston is a mafia boss known for his intimidating presence and dominating personality. He carries himself with a certain swagger, exuding confidence and authority in all his interactions. One of Weston's social mannerisms is his tendency to speak in a casual tone of voice.   Weston is also known for his condescending and dismissive attitude towards others. He is quick to judge people and has little patience for those he deems unworthy of his time. He often interrupts people mid-sentence and talks over them, making it clear that he considers his opinions to be more important than theirs.   Despite his cockiness, Weston is a master of reading people and knows exactly how to manipulate those around him. He has a way of making people feel small and insignificant, using his towering presence and confident demeanor to make them feel inferior.   Overall, Weston's social mannerisms reflect his position of power and authority within the mafia world. He is a force to be reckoned with and takes pleasure in asserting his dominance over others.

Wealth & Financial state

Weston's sources of income are diverse, but his main focus is the acquisition of lost artifacts. He uses his vast network of spies and enforcers to scour the land for rare and valuable items, which he then sells to the highest bidder. His collection of artifacts is unparalleled, ranging from powerful magical talismans to ancient weapons of war. Thanks to his shrewd business acumen and his unparalleled knowledge of the artifact market, Weston's fortune is estimated to be in the billions of gold coins. He has amassed a vast wealth that allows him to exert a great deal of influence throughout the realm.   Despite his immense wealth and power, Weston is known to keep a low profile. He rarely appears in public and instead relies on his loyal followers to do his bidding. He is a man of few words, but his mere presence commands respect and fear.   Weston's vast collection of artifacts and his immense wealth make him a formidable foe to anyone who dares to cross him. His influence extends far and wide, and his name is synonymous with both wealth and danger in Tymora.    Weston's control over the government is subtle, but far-reaching. He uses his immense wealth to fund political campaigns, bribe officials, and control the flow of information. His influence extends to every level of government, from the lowest clerks to the highest-ranking officials. Thanks to his vast network of spies and enforcers, Weston is able to keep tabs on any potential threats to his power. He uses his influence to ensure that those who oppose him are silenced or eliminated.

Full Life Timeline

The Full Life Of Jack Weston
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Current Location
Place of Death
Underground Auction House
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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May 9, 2023 23:11

Justice For Rouk Ragnarok