Adodean Oriswin

Witch of Lost Things

Houngan, Undead witch, indebted to "Letetia"   Adodean dwells in the Shadowfell, surrounding himself with robotic golems and shadowy undead knights.   He sent the BMG to the Astral Plane where they needed to cross a star bridge to reach their Astral Ship.   Sneered at Essen for loving her "boyfiend" (i.e. Ganymede) while he will never see her as anything but a tool to be used and continually insulted Dwayne's intelligence. He also took a passing swipe at Gimblenock and Grundrak in their brief meeting.   Adodean created a reality bubble around him that enabled him to move through the occupied space of the BMG.   When he sent the BMG through he shouted, "tell L, I've paid my debt. Now leave me alone, L's not the only one who speaks the language of the dead, I'll know if you fail to swear to my service."


Adodean Oriswin

knows of

Towards Ganymede



unknown relationship

Towards Adodean Oriswin


Quotes & Catchphrases
"Your boyfriend can't help you here pet, he wouldn't be able to find you if he wanted to, and even if he could he can't come back here"
to Essen Isillorn    "No this can't be him. I Can't be believe my eyes. Dah Dah the Warlord?"
"What's wrong Dumb, son of Dumber, stupidity gor your tongue?"
to Dwayne son of Dwayne    "How's enslavement working out for your family?"
to Gimblenock Daergel    "Hurt me? I'm far more fearsome than the ojasi, and I don't see any dead Ojasi swarming about you."
to Grundark
Known Languages
Language of the Dead


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