Brass Desert

The Brass Desert is the dryest of all the Hadean Deserts receiving less than 50mm per year in the central portions, although it is not the hottest, that title bvelonging to The Furnace.   Historical supernatural and arcane activty, combined with location have created a desert with a near permanent absence of clouds except for the very occassional storm that crosses over.   As recently as 500 years ago, the Brass Desert was a subtropical plains during the time when the Argos, Kingdom of controlled most of the eastern portions. Following the Fall of Empires, the climate dried completely and within decades the Brass Desert came into being and has continued to spread ever since and is now approachingĀ 4,000,000 km2 in size.   Sparsely populated now, the Brass Desert retains Dwarven mining sites that continue to successfully reside and make a living from the deep copper, iron and tin mineral deposits.




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