The Furnace

Straddling the equator in the centre of Hadean, the Furnace is a large arid region that covers an area of 2,700,000 km2 (77,000 sq mi). It forms a natural boundary between the civilisations of subtropical Hadean based around the east and west coasts respectively. More than half of the Furnace is below sea level, sinking as low as 500m at its deepest points.   The Furnace stretches to the Djinn Holds in the north, the Dread Mountains in the east, Blasted Erg in the south and the Wonambi in the west.


The sand is highly mobile due to the strong winds that rise each year before the onset of the wet season, with huge dunes, sometimes as high as 600m from peak to trough.   There's an ancient raised plateau in the north, that contains the numerous ancient ruins and deep cave systems.  The ruins are from civilisations that predate the Carkade Empire, and are by the estimate of the Great University scholars and sages, the toungest are at least 25,000 years old.  The extreme dryness of the environment has preserved many structures in good order.  Many adventurers have travelled to the ruins seeking their fortune and have naver been seen again.   A great pit more than 300km across exists in the south, with its decline so gentle at the edges that travellers are rarely aware they are descending for the first 10-20km.  This deep pit, which starts at the deepest elevation of the Furnace, descends a further 3km to the base, before it disappears into the Underdark.


The climate is arid and subtropical. Average temperature varies with season, and extremes can range from near-freezing at nights in the dry season to more than 60º C in the wet months. Average annual rainfall ranges from 50 to 200 mm, and occurs during the tropical wet season.   The only sources of water for creatues small, scattered ponds - some are natural and some that are are ancient hominid-made structures.

Ecosystem Cycles

The climate is arid and subtropical. Average temperature varies with season, and extremes can range from near-freezing at nights in the dry season to more than 60º C in the wet months. Average annual rainfall ranges from 50 to 200 mm, and occurs during the tropical wet season.


Location under


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