Canumbo Empire

At its greatest expanse, the Canumbo Empire controlled all of the Arman Basin and much of the surrounding lands. A census taken in 1300, stated that more than 8,000,000 hominids (6,000,000 of which were human) lived in the Empire's borders.   A series of weak emperors, invasions, supernatural disasters and civil war saw the final collapse of the Canumbo Empire in 1420.   The original homelands of the Canumbo initially rose to prominence as the Canumbo Kingdom before it was conquered by the rising Kali Tyranny in 1448. An uprising between 1453 and 1455 was squashed with such violence that more than 2,000,000 Canumbans were killed or dispersed, and the same number enslaved.

The Imperial Camumbo Court prior to its destruction in 1455


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