Kali Tyranny

In 1450 the warlord brothers Vegnun and Shalmi completed the unification of the disparate hominids of the Arman basin under the moniker of 'the Kali'.   The ambitious brothers immediately turned a unified against their neighbours, forcing the neighbouring realms of Ashani, Mapa, remnant of the Canumbo Empire and the Vacmi Hobgoblin Legions submit and give Kali trade rights and annual tribute. When the Caaumbons breached their treaty in 1455, the brothers attacked and war broke out. The Kali overcame a weak Camumbon army to raze all the Canumbon cities with populations over 5,000. By 1459 Canumbo ceased to exist, the population was dispersed or sold into slavery and Kali immediately doubled the size of their territory.   In the next decade the brothers were couped and exiled, returned to reclaim leadership, split Kali into two when each one declared himself sole ruler and after a brutal slugfest that brought all neighbouring nations and lands into the conflict were both killed. A period of brief instability saw uprisings in conquered lands and a dozen coup attempts until finally in 1471 the warrior-priestess Yadari put down all internal opposition, quelled all rebellions, murdered all viable future contenders, installed her own Court of Kali and claimed the title of Tyrant of Kali.   Multiple conflicts have since taken place with the powerful Paracer Ascension to the south and more peoples have been brought into the Kali Tyranny's orbit as tributary and vassal states.   Among the more disturbing practices to have emerged include regular hominid sacrifice. While the sacrifices are often soldiers of conquered states, anyone in the Kali Tyranny is at risk of being declared an 'enemy of Kali' and finding themselves on the end of sacrificial knife.

The Kali Altar
Geopolitical, Country
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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