Eekeb Vandorack

  • Eekeb Vandorack is part of the Skaedgaard inner circle and worked closely with Bail Kenzee, when Bail broke away from the Eventide Shield and stole the Ascension rites of Bhaal from the Eventide Shield's Treonol chapterhouse.
  • A powerful dragonborn warlock whose patron is Lady Nakiasha Wysayra, Keeper of Angelfire.  The inner circle knows his allegiances and abilities, the slaves and others in the Skaedgaard know that he is deadly but not the details.
  • Eekeb so rarely shows his true form, going to great lengths to conceal it, that very few know he is not human.
  • He is known to possess a book of shadows and magical vest made from woven caiman skin granting him additional invocations.  His fascination with the planes of existence and exploration of those planes has led to him obtaining power in excess of a standard warlock of his level.
  • In his Feywild Fortress he keeps a true scale of Yurlunggur.

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