Summary of Eekeb Vandorack's notes found in his Feywild quarters

Speculation about the 3 Witch Queens - Emtariath, Sili and Toruja:
  • After a hidden war, they emerged to rule all witches, the names of the other witches is unknown
  • They could command other spell casters
  • They could step freely between planes & dimensions
  • They could phase in and out existence - conjecture that they go the Void (the space between spaces) or the Great Beyond (the space beyond spaces), the Quanti (the space within space), Chaos (the space that makes the spaces) or the Timethe space that propels the spaces)
  • Their power eventually exceeded the combined strength of their patrons and they attempted ascension into the celestial hierarchy
  • they were not gods but had entered the mythos of the world as celestial beings
  • Were seeking to ascend to godhood by taking the divine spark from the slumbering Elder Goddess of Magic & Mystery - Hecate
  • During the rites the plane/place that contained the slumbering Hecate "slipped" and moved away from the place/s? they were performing the ascension rites.
  • They were too entangled inside the ritual that they were unable to free themselves before they were split into "shadow selves".
  • As a result the Witches were split across multiple planes of existence (possibly other spaces too) creating a vast number of "shadow selves".
  • This is why they rarely appear, as it is a huge effort to line up and assemble enough of their shadow selves to become "real" enough to interact in some way with others
  • Eekeb was working through the exact pattern of protective circles and spell weaves required by the witches when they were attempting to take the divine spark from Hecate
  • The patterns Eekeb presumes were used were series of interconnected protective circles that channelled huge amounts of energy and space-time from Hecate to the witches in a variety of non-direct routes
  • Eekeb speculates that there were were 6 fully encapsulated protective circles at the edge of the spell weaving, of which the witches occupied 3 of the spaces
  • If they had accessed the divine spark from Hecate they would have had the power of gods, but with the ability to walk the mortal world and not be confimed to the limits of the Outer Planes.
  • Eekeb speculates that the Witches have become active recently as the plane/place containing Hecate is moving closer to the world again
Speculation about the planes and gods:
  • Elder Gods are locked away in the timevoid, within the quanti or closed off dimensions, victims of everincreasingly destructive discontinuances, wars and time
  • Elder Gods however are far more closely linked to the prime plane than the modern gods who are tied into the outer planes
  • They are "closely attuned" to the earlier multiverse (the lower planes especially)
  • Elder Gods however are far more closely linked to the prime plane than the modern gods
  • All the planes push and pul on neighbouring planes, putting tremendous pressure to "slip" and create a new major discontuance event
  • If this occurs one way it manifests will be by a rearrangement of the stars and new north and south stars
  • It is imminent that the Elder Gods will be released and be free to interact fully with the prime planes once more
  • It is more difficult to "descend" down through the planes than it is to rise - it is extremely difficult for the creatures of the outer planes to return to the lower planes; inherently they are unstable and are continually drawn back to the Outer Planes
  • It is difficult to maintain personal integrity the lower one descends
  • Mortals can ascend the ladder of the higher planes, but struggle to endure for long - it is difficult to maintain a sense of self the higher one ascends
  • The planes are not simply laid out as per the great cosmological wheel - it is infinitely complex and includes a multitude of planes “like glass spheres” that press and pull against each other,
  • Local clusters slip and push against each other; remaining static due to the pressure; ‘slipping’ and rearranging periodically
  • Rearrangement closes old connection and creates new ones, both in the mortal plane and the other planes, it is one of the many causes of planar discontinuities
  • Modern gods can no longer enter the prime plane in any meaningful way. They can send avatars or directly communicate with their followers but even these methods make them extremely vulnerable to others
  • Modern gods are the product of millions of years of regeneration, fusing, divine birth & rebirth and spontaneous creation.
  • Bones of fallen modern gods litter the multiverse, slowing returning to the quanti, their divine spark:
  • either absorbed by another divine being; or
  • held onto by powerful beings; or
  • set free to reform or regenerate as a new god;
  • is "misplaced"
Speculation about the elder god Yurlunggur:
  • Depicted as a blind serpent whose planet spanning body blackens the night sky where it touches this plane from the Great Beyond as it continues on its eternal journey, unknowable to most mortals
  • Was known as ‘the Czar of Transpiration and Dissonant Vision’ by the Caridern and Moranth 
  • Transpiration = the action of Transpiring
  • Transpiring = to escape through pores/openings; to be revealed or become known
  • Yurlunggur is a truly ancient Elder God, existing at the very fringes of existence, Yurlunggur passes through the void of the Great Beyond, distant from all things, existing purely within its own dream state, almost entirely unaware of the multiverse about it.
  • Yurlunggur is a bringer of creative destruction, a bringer of vision of what is, what was, what may have been and what may be
  • Yurlunggur is a force of the cosmos; cannot be reasoned with, cannot be communicated with; but whose wake changes the shape and underpinnings of existence
  • There were once more; one and the same Yurlunggur
  • now there is just the one
  • Yurlunggur spends all existence seeking and calling out across the void and all existence for it’s lost selves
  • Did the lost selves find Illimitable Equivalence and cross the threshold?
  • Can Yurlunggur pierce the threshold?
  • ‘Avatars’ of Yurlunggur have made their way to distant worlds in time past; the Avatars are parts of itself that it splits off to go search more easily among the ‘real’ worlds for its other selves
  • There have been so many Avatars and Yurlungger’s ‘thinking’ is so nonlinear that it does not even know how many it has propagated over the years or what has become of them.
  • Most Avatars simply disintegrate back into the quanti, waiting to be reabsorbed by the Elder God.
  • A very few become truly self aware, becoming creatures of significant power in their own right
  • Wonambi, Nahautl, Jamaran, The Grootslang, the Devourer, Dendar the Night Serpent are/were Avatars
  • Wonambi is a powerful being that propels the power of the Dark Heart of the Night.
  • Powerful Wonambi wants nothing more than to use the power of the Echoes to control the prime plane which it views as an endless supply of food and power
  • Wonambi wants to rise and challenge the other powerful celestial beings
  • The Cariden made contact with Yurlunggur millenium ago
  • not sure if that occurred before or after the war that lead to their fall
  • Yurlunggur is the one being that can cross the Threshold

Study, Scientific


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