Faithful of Sosso

Magicians dedicated to the obtainment of magical and esoteric power Have a base in the lost city of Sosso known only to the inner circle   Destroyed the Tal Alliance   They were witnesses at the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerald’s Blaze, where they were represented by Jamal Clay.   "We do not bargain with pretenders. We witness only. The Sorcerer King and his faithful will take what is his. You have been witness to our destruction of the True Path, the Source Light, the Zakezi, Serra’s Knights, Battle Drums of Vecna, Marzi Tower, the Whitestar Imperials. You are witness to our present destruction of the Tal Alliance. If you think you may succeed where Tal has failed, remember that we possess the dragon covenants of confinement and impressment. We tell you what we tell all others who oppose us - you will suffer the fate of a stone dropped in water; you will simply disappear."   The Faithful did use the dragon covenants against Emerald's Blaze and in response Emerald's Blaze used the Ink to destroy one of their strongholds.   The two cults continue to prusue total war against the other, and are the central powers of the ongoing Palanquin War.


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