Tak Kosi, Zealot of Sosso

Zealous follower of the Sorcerer King

Most influential of the inner circle of Faithful of Fallen Sosso

Obsessed with the Spaces, Places and Power

Speaks the language of the dead

Is in contact with the Mummies of Carkade and the returned Mummy Lord Coyotl

Controls Shree Bel

In his control at all times as a minimum:
  • 16x gladiator bodyguards
  • 4x Vampires
  • 6d4 Vampire Spawn
  • 2d6 Executioners
  • 6d12 Ghouls
  • 6d20 Lesser Undead
  • 3d6 Greater Undead
  • 3x Greater Rage Demons (Maurezhi, Armanite, Bulezau)
  • 2x Hand of Shadow Kin; Led by Corikinis (4+2d4)
  • 4d6 Dark Priests
  • 4x familiars (changeable shapes)
  • 4d8 body servants (cult fanatics)
  • 4x Cherished Faithful (sorcerers L10+2d4)
  • 8x Dearest Faithful (sorcerers L6+2d3)
  • 16x Beloved Faithful (sorcerers L3+d4)
  • 3x Gnoll Raid Band (20+4d4 gnolls)
  Is an Epic Level Sorcerer

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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