Gnome Living Ancestors

All gnomes of importance are summoned at least once in their lifetime to a meeting with the Living Ancestors - Xoser, Selphina, Fenyaris   The typical lifespan for a gnome is about 200 years, with some reaching as old as 350 years. However an extremely rare few live well beyond this age, for possibly more than 1,000 years. Those that do become the Gnome Living Ancestors.   Not only are they treated with enormous respect, they become the mentors, advisers and counsellors to gnomes everywhere. Revered and secrety feared by some, the Gnome Living Ancestors have long manipulated the affairs of gnomes, mostly covertly but covertly on the odd occasion. This shadow work of manoeuvring and manipulating powerful gnomes to long term ends, is best understood by the gnome ancestors themselves. Rarely do the Living Ancestors give much away, especially not in terms of their reach, power or plans,   Gimblenock was summoned by the Living Ancestors to be advised of the plight of the Scared Machines.   While in Atlantis the Living Ancestors used a continuance cord to break a powerful sigil, allowing the BMG to escape from a magically sealed marble tomb.



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