
The Goryeo are an ancient lineaae of Hill Giants. The majority opinion of the scholars of the Great University is that modern Hill Giants are descendents of the Goryeo, although other suggest that Goryeo and Hill gIants are both sub-species of a higher order of Hill Giants.   Goryeo are slightly taller and significantly leaner than other Hill Giants. They are also known for levels of organisation, philosophy and magical abailities not possessed by non-Goryeo Hill Giants.   There is no record of them having ever existed on Holocene. Historical records and tales indicate Goryeo:
  • being in Atlantis
  • being on the list of civilisations encountered by the Alin
  • having contact with the Skyworlds
  • have links to Ravnica


Large giant, any
Armor Class: 12 (natural armour)
Hit Points: 85 (10d12 + 20)
Speed: 40 ft


18 +4


10 +0


15 +2


15 +2


10 +0


14 +2

Saving Throws: Intelligence +5
Skills: Nature +5
Persuasion +5
Off-handed fighting feat
Condition Immunities: Charmed
Senses: Darkvision 60"
Languages: Giant, Common

Magic Resistance; all savings throws vs magic and magical effects are made with advantage
All Goryeo are at a minimum a level 3 Sorcerer with their own unique bent


Multi-attack. Goryeo makes two dire-chui wepaon attacks

  • Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10", one target. Hit: (3d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage
  • Additional action (off handed dire-chui attack): +7 to hit, reach 10", one target. Hit (3d4 +4) bludgeoning damage
  • Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: (3d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage

Scientific Name
Collis Giganteus


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