Johnny Favourite/Jaxer the Unseen

Jaxer the Unseen
  • The Lord of Serpens Zephyrus
  • Has mastered phase and illusory magic, hence his title
  • Was notorious for using illusions and enchantments to appear in public, never appearing in person 
Johnny Favourite
  • Working secretly with the Dread Lords
  • Leader of the Argeant cabalists
  • Minister in the court of Jaxer the Unseen
  • Wizard of the Conjuration school
  • Johnny Favourite wants vengeance on those who have wronged him in the past, including those who never acknowledged his greatness and those who have made him feel inferior such as Ulysses Zane
  • Johnny sees the decline of Serpens Zephyrus as reasons for shame
  • After years of loyal service to Jaxer, including always putting Jaxer's needs above those of the people of Serpens Zephyrus, Johnny was the closest thing Jaxer had to a confidente and one of the very few to be occassionally granted access to the real Jaxer
  • Not having the power himself to seize power and rule, Johnny sought out otherworldly power where he encountered the power of the Void for himself and encountered the Dread Lords
  • Dread Lord Gemeshet filled his mind with darkness and visions of power, including granting access to 10th+ level spells and showing Johnny  afuture where he wielded the Staff of the Argeantweald
  • Johnny brought in other malcontents to his cause to raise up Serpens Zephyrus to power over all Skyworld and turn back the yawning tide of nothingness
  • Suspecting that Jaxer was becoming suspicious of Johnny, Johnny accessed the epic level soulshatter spell and sent Jaxer's soul into the afterlife while keeping Jaxer's body alive
  • Johnny has been both Jaxer and Johnny for a few years and has spent most of his time pursuing arcane power and has neglected Serpens Zephyrus, which in some ways has shown in ongoing decline in Serpens Zephyrus fortunes 
  • Recently the cablists used knowledge from the Void to know when the Pale House remnant would be fully unphased and performed a ritual to stimulate the Pale House, causing it to reignite briefly allowing Gemeshet and the Dread to more frequently leave the Void 
  • Many cabalists and other sacrifices (mostly nonhumans from other Skyworlds) lost their lives in the performance of this ritual
  • Johnny was gravely injured, mentally, and physically but knew his next action was to seize the staff of the Argeantweald now that is also was back in phase and fully activated due the reignition of the Pale House remnant

Johnny Favourite

Jaxer the Unseen
Aligned Organization
In game:   The BMG defeated Johnny Favourite, Mayzon and Zaxary Tom so Gimblenock had time to activate the Loxodon Machines.   All 3 escaped, their current fate unknown


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