Argeant Cabalists

  • A cult in the Skyworlds' nation of Serpens Zephyrus who are seeking to wield the power of the Void in their war against the other nations of the Skyworlds.  They are ruled in secret by Johnny Favourite.
  • All Skyworlders understand the grim danger of the Void and the former Loxodon homeworld.  Any attempt to harness the powers of the Void is seen as irredeemably reckless, forcing any who would use its power into secret.
  • Originally the Argeant Cabalists sought to capture and harness the Pale House remnant that phases in and out at different places around the Skyworlds.  It was revealed that the pale House once belonged to the Argeantweald and that with the Staff of the Argeantweald and other rituals it could be controlled and used against their enemeies.  The secrets to do so however lay within in the Void.
  • They are true believers in the superiority of Serpens Zephyrus and their way of life and rule.  "Life provides two options.  To rule or to be ruled.  Serpens Zephyrus is the natural state of rule.  All others must bend."
  • They seek restore Serpens Zephyrus to greatness among the Skyworlds with themselves as masters of a new and improved Skyworlds.
  • They also seek to collect all Loxodon artefacts they can find to better understand the Loxodon homeworld and it’s purpose.  While they wish to plunder all that the Void has to give them, they also understand in the danger in an uncontrolled Void so seek to understand how the Loxodon controlled it in days past.
  • Using knowledge from the Void to know when the Pale House remnant would be fully unphased, the cabalists performed a ritual to stimulate the Pale House, which also called forth the Dread Lord Gemeshet.  Many cabalists and other sacrifices (mostly nonhumans from other Skyworlds) lost their lives.

if you gaze long enough into the Void, the Void will gaze back into you


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