

Medium level 21 barbarian + weresmilodon, neutral
Armor Class: 20 (+3 Dex +5 Con +2 Arstares Blessing)
Hit Points: 304 (21d12+8d8+24+105)
Speed: 40/50 ft , climb: 20/25 ft


22 +6


17 +3


20 +5


10 +0


15 +2


13 +1

Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: +8 Perception
+15 Stealth (expertise)
+12 Athletics
+8 Survival
+6 Nature
+12 Intimidation
+9 Acrobatics
Damage Resistances: Fire, Lightning
Damage Immunities: Non-magical bludgeoning slashing or piercing damage
Senses: Darkvision 60"
Languages: Common, Elven
Proficiency Bonus: +6

Shapechanger: Can use action to polymorph into smilodon-hominid hybrid or into smilodon, or back into his true form. Statistics ans size are same in all forms.   Kean hearing and smell: Has advantage to perception checks   Pounce: If L'Gao moves 10" forward and hits with a bite attack, that attack automatically counts as a critical hit and target must make a DC 18 strength attack or be knocked prone. If prone, L'Gao can make one additional bite attack with advant age.   Rage (bonus action, unlimited per day):

  • Advantage on strength chacks and savings throws
  • +5 damage rolls with melee weapons using strength
  • Resistance to all damage except psychic (Smilodon totem spirit)
  • Persistent can be ended by L'Gao's choice
  • Any hostile creature within 5" has disadvantage attack rolls except L'Gao or others with this ability
Danger Sense: If not blind, deaf or incapacitated gain advantage to dexterity saves from effects L'Gao can see   Totem Warrior   Feral Instinct: Advantage on initiative rolls   Brutal Critical: add 4 additional dice when rolling critical hits (Barbarian feature L22)   Relentless Rage: If L'Gao reaches 0 HP he can make a DC10 save to be put on 1 HP (DC incresaes by 5 each time this feature is used until a LR)   Indomitable might - If strength save is less than strengt, L'Gao uses strentgh score instead   Smilodon strength - carrying capacity is doubled and adavnateg on all checks to break, push, pull or lift objects   Spirit Walker - Gain Commune with Nature as a ritual 1x LR   Prodigy Feat (Barbarian improvement feature L21): +1 skill, +1 language, +1 tool proficiency, + expertise in 1x skill   3 Improvement Scores (L4, L8, L16)   Slasher Feat (L12):
  • Increase Dex by 1
  • Reduce target speed by 10" in a round L'Gao hits them with a slashing weapon until start of his next turn
  • Grievous wound a creature with a critical so it has disadvantage on attacks until start of L'Gao's next turn


Multiattack as smilodon: 2 claws + 1 bite
Multiattack as hybrid: 2 claws + 1 bite
Multiattack as human: 2 weapons
  Bite, +12 attack, reach 5", damage = d12+5 piercing damage (critical 18-20) + target must make constitution save DC = damage taken (minimum DC 5) or be affacetd by bleeding Conditions
Claw, +12 attack, reach 5", damage = d10+5 slashing damage + target must make constituion save DC = damage taken(minimum DC 5) or be knocked prone or pushed back 5" (L'Gao's choice)
Great Spear, +14 attack, reach 10", damage d10 + 7

Bakenzenzi and frequent bodyguard of Mama Tet.


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