Mama Tet

  • Originally a sorceress but is now much, much more.
  • is the driving force and real power inside the Starless Communion.
  • Self described as "a contemporary of the Witch Queen overview when they were noone during the years of Sun Empire of Rhondio Semudan and grew up in the shadow of the Sorcerer King of Sosso".
  • Trades favours for more life.
  • Is motivated by survival for her and those in her ‘family’.
  • In Goropoela she was seen by many as a crime boss who treated those well who supported her, but destroyed any who opposed her or betrayed her.
  • Doesn’t worship Aves Reva, Ammutseba or Azathoth; uses them to draw power to herself.
  • Ruthless and will never compromise her own position, but doesn’t kill for killing’s sake or waste resources.
  • Often looks to trade and bargain, but only if beneficial.
  • It was briefly revealed that the only individual opponent she ever feared was the sorcerer king, but that he is now in a "amber tomb of his own making".
  • She was first encountered by the SRG in the city of Goropela where one of her agents stole the chaos stone from the Professor and where she was overseeing a months long ritual to transform Pap Asenso into a Lich.
  • When the SRG freed the unicorn required to interrupt the ritual and overcame the night hags guarding it, Mama Tet allowed the SRG to go free - she seemed very inconcerned with Papa Asenso's failed transormation.
  • When the SRG came to her in the courtyard of her compound, she was attended by children practicing magic, members of her Bakenzenzi guard and a few 31 fold monks.
  • Her exchange for returning the chaos stone to the Professor was very much in her favour. She later offered the SRG protection from the other factions of Semudan, if they agreed to serve her in the Starless Communion.
  • She was first encountered by the BMG on the dark highways when it travelled through parts of the Otherwhere, this was the first time she inferred that Dwayne would be a northern warlord of great importance and that there was a southern warlord who would oppose him.
  • Dwayne smoked a cigar to request her help when they were being hunted in the Holocene. She emerged briefly and drove of Kord Moebius before telling the BMG "Now finally. Do what's needed", in reference to not allowing Valt to fall into the hands of the Wraith Assembly and by extension, the Alin Xerarch.
  Known History:
  • Born during the 1st time of Chaos of the Aretetan tribe who dwelt where the northern edge of the Jin Rainforests met the southern edge of the Erensari.
  • Her tribe was captured by slavers and she ended up in the crumbling halls of the former imperial palace of Ioyana Semudan alongside Nandi (her tribal sister) and other slave children.
  • Carries a burning hatred for the Semud elite since the dispersal of her tribe and her own enslavement.
  • Served a necromancer named Quillan Quantell as she had started to exhibit powers of a sorcerer.
  • Provided information to Quillan’s enemies who destroyed Quillan the same night Nandi fled with the other slave children and the last remaining Leopard Orchids. She stayed behind watch Quillan's enemies destroy him, when he was left unguarded after sending his henchmen to chase down Nandi who had stolen his leapoard orchid - the first succesful biogenesis experiment he had performed
  • She has been recorded in the official histories of different Semudan dynasties, alternating her location and attitude. The SRG found a record in the Great University of Mama Tet appearing in the Imperial Court several hundred years ago arguing that he had no jurisdiction to control or commend her.
Known Features/powers:
  • Small in stature, slightly hunched
  • One eye is milky white - gives her the power of true seeing
  • Has power of necro transference - can project her mind into a corpse or ghost, through which she can speak and act, including the casting of spells.
  • Speaks the language of the dead
  • Wears a series of fine golden neck rings, all of which assist her to control and move Sigils
  • Her cane is an artefact
  • Is a warlock/sorcerer/Sigil mistress
  • Can disjoin into at least 13 forms
  • The SRG or BMG have ever met her "in person"
  • At Holocene claimed she was a Witch
3x Mama Tets collective speech to the assembled Starless Communion witnessed by Dwayne son of Dwayne and Essen Isillorn as they passed through the Otherwhere:   “Five centuries ago, the Night War ended. Sparklehorse, Starpink and the Paranoid Stamptramp were crowned. Now crowned; Witch Queens of Holocene, all others knelt before them
“Sili, bleating lamentations for the forever mourned. Entariath, syphoning and consuming eternal dark. And Tori. Poor Tori, alive truly only in the zeroth, a virtual Queen.
“With the Witch Queens deep in Ascension rites to claim Hecate’s crown, a random fluctuation in time, pushing fragile time out of joint
“Catastrophe and devastation. Hecate returned to her slumbering Bastille. Witch Queens split across all the Spaces and Places of existence, a minor disjunction event bumping a deafened and silenced universe.
“And here on Holocene. Empires fall overnight against an enemy history no longer remembers. The purple robed Sarpadians annihilated, death worshipping murder cults of Argos now ash, the pyramid building Mayuran swept away. The Janto Hegemony, the Sun People Sphere, the last Major Telehetti Circle and the Elven led Sousarn Khaganate. Vanished, now forgotten.
“And the Blue Star Empire of Azur Semudan. Empire at its largest ever extent, Semud’s one true golden age, wasted by the nuclear rise of the Sorcerer King of Sosso
“A supernova radiating out and consuming all, a proto-empire explosively burning out, turning fallow with hubris and betrayal. The Sorcerer King victim to another fluctuation in time, inside a lacuna, forever trapped on the moment victory, while time elsewhere moved on.
“And now five centuries later. A conjunction of the zombie constellations the Revellers, Time’s Arrow and Black Dahlia – two Witch Queens are returned, now fully formed and vast “Sili, with the dead and should be dead at her command and Entariath, ruby red apathetic and all-consuming unreality.
“And the Sorcerer King? Safely out of time has called the Faithful home for Walpurgis Nacht the conjunction opening the gates to his home, while trapping his form to memory while the zombie constellations stay locked
“You cunts know what you need to do, now fuck off and remember
“We cannot see all of existence. We are in the darkness of a trench, a deep cut, dark heavier than densest earth, presences lit by our own blood, little biolumes, heroic and pathetic Promethei too afraid or weak to steal fire but able still to love. The Elder Gods are among us and they care nothing and are nothing like us. This is how we are brave: we revere them anyway.”




Towards Mama Tet


Mama Tet


Towards Kimacuda


Tida Jobe


Towards Mama Tet


Mama Tet


Towards Tida Jobe


Mama Tet

boss (Important)

Towards Dwayne son of Dwayne



Dwayne son of Dwayne

servant (Vital)

Towards Mama Tet



Sorcerer King of Sosso

unknown (Important)

Towards Mama Tet



Mama Tet

unknown (Important)

Towards Sorcerer King of Sosso



Vex and Void


Towards Mama Tet


Mama Tet


Towards Vex and Void




Current Residence
left (teak), right (pale & cloudy)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If it's now or never, or it’s me or you
It's now and there is no you"

"Aves Reva's cum baby"
  • describing Papa Ascenso of the Starless Communion

  • "You look like yourself, but you're someone else"
  • to the Professor when she emerged at Holocene

  • "Piss Stain. Thundercunt. Feathered trampstamp."
  • describing the Witch Queens

  • "Northern Ghosts. You're just like all the other ghosts I see. Dead, don't know it yet and looking looking in the wrong direction."
  • to the BMG

  • "He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot. An incredibly dangerous idiot."
  • describing Grundark to Dwayne

  • "Milk puppies sucking at their patrons teats"
  • referencing the Nebulous Prestige

  • "The physical world is diaphanous. it's like music, when you play it, it simply disappears. there's nothing left.
    If tie a knot in a rope and I move it down the rope, as it as it moves, is it the same knot or a different knot?  The ghost would say its the same because he recognises the pattern in the knot.  Its like the ghost himself, he is recognised by the fact one day he faces the same as he did before and his pattern is recognised. But the physical contents of the ghost's face is changing all the time. It is always moving on. We are all pattern, nothing in the physical world is substantial."
  • to the Starless Communion Inner Circle and Dwayne (the Ghost) in the Otherwhere

  • “There will come a time when all of us are dead and the northern ghost will learn that time sooner than most"
    Aligned Organization
    Quotes:   "If it's now or never, or it’s me or you
    It's now and there is no you"
      "Aves Reva's cum baby"
  • describing Papa Ascenso of the Starless Communion
  • "You look like yourself, but you're someone else"
  • to the Professor when she emerged at Holocene
  • "Piss Stain. Thundercunt. Feathered trampstamp."
  • describing the Witch Queens
  • "Northern Ghosts. You're just like all the other ghosts I see. Dead and looking looking in the wrong direction."
  • to the BMG
  • "He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot. An incredibly dangerous idiot."
  • describing Grundark to Dwayne
  • "Milk puppies sucking at their patrons teats"
  • referencing the Nebulous Prestige

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