Ophion Siabhaal

Ophion Siabhaal (see Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide p.119 for naming convention) was raised in a Bhaali cult in the Mulhorandi region, and was always told that the blood flowing through his veins came from the Lord of Murder himself. The cult he was raised in moved in high society, taking great pleasure from murdering aristocracy and socialites in subtle, but horrifying fashion, and insinuating themselves into the recently vacated positions of power and prestige, a source of great humour for the cultists. Ophion, along with his two sisters, Taleiriah (Tah-lay-re-ah) and Vularai (Voo-lah-righ) were taught from birth to hide in plain sight (at much as Tieflings can. More in a social sense), whilst behind closed doors, were instructed in the ways of murder, torture and ritual. All in the name of Bhaal. Among their tutors were a half-dozen other cultists living in a commune-esque arrangement. They were also ritually scarred and tattooed during each rite. To this day, Ophion is careful to hide the majority of his flesh from others. While Taleiriah and Vularai took to the lessons of Bhaal with relish, Ophion came to grow tired of the constant bloodshed, backstabbing and indoctrination, finding some measure of solace in music. It calmed the rage in his soul, and provided some measure of escape from the evils surrounding him daily.   A favoured hobby of the cult was to kidnap children off the street, or if possible, directly from families who could never strike back against them, savouring the torment of the parents, generally before slaughtering them in an orgy of violence in front of their own children. The things the cult did to these children was unspeakable. Degradation, perversion and ultimately, a painful death drawn out over time. It was one of these children who would shape the person Ophion would most like to be. Her name was Nulara, a Mulan girl. A girl possessed of a quiet dignity, even in the face of the cult, who shared Ophions’ love of music. During her captivity, Ophion would sneak away to speak to her, and quietly play music with her. He with a Yarting he found, she with a small flute. It was through these secret meetings that Ophion discovered his natural affinity for magic merged perfectly with his love of music, allowing him to cast spells with greater ease if used in conjunction to his performing music. This affinity had to be hidden, naturally, from his family, and so he found his passion and intensity for it increasing. In those moments he was able to release all his emotion through the music, it produced a cacophonic, discordant, yet undeniably moving sound. He would scream, wail, roar and sing as he played, Nularas’ ability on the flute harmonising with the music.   On Ophions 12th birthday, his world ended. A grand affair was planned in the halls of the elite, an even more elaborate ‘party’ to occur afterward. A more intimate, family affair. At the height of the ceremony in of praise to Bhaal, blood flowing amongst the butchered corpses, Nulara was bought forward as one of the final sacrifices. Ophion desperately wanted to save her, but found his courage wanting. He wept as his mother severed Nularas digits and cauterised the wounds. The gathered disciples applauded as she carved the symbol of Bhaal into Nularas flesh, again and again and again. His struggles were interpreted as enthusiasm by the crowd, and they embraced him as he fought to stop his mother from slitting Nularas throat, before ramming the sacrificial blade through her own heart. His screams of anguish were drowned out by the crowd, but did not go unnoticed by Taleiriah.   Ophion bided his time over the next three years, channelling his guilt over failing Nulara into his music and magic, and finding a way to escape, and eventually destroy the cult. He learnt to play Nulara’s flute, and other instruments, but always favoured his battered Yarting.   The day of his 16th birthday, Ophion knew the time had come. At the culmination of his birthday rite, he unleashed his rage upon his family, burning the compound to the ground, and murdering most of the cultists. His sisters escaped his retribution, however. What’s worse, Taleiriah has Nulara’s flute, a constant source of pain to Ophion. He now wanders the world, playing his unique style of music in taverns for cash, always keeping an ear out for word of Bhaali cultist activity, especially those of his sisters. This, however, is tempered by his need to keep a low profile, as he is aware that the cult is looking for him, and his death will be neither quick nor painless. He is always reluctant to discuss his past, given peoples natural suspicion of Tieflings, and the actions of the cult. Ophion will often give false names if he suspects anything untoward in those he is dealing with.   Ophion has a soft spot for the Mulan people, given his history with Nulara, hence his friendship with Ephut Ki.


Ophion Siabhaal

brother (Important)

Towards Taleiriah the Sorceress and favoured of Bhaal



Taleiriah the Sorceress and favoured of Bhaal

sister (Important)

Towards Ophion Siabhaal



Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.8m + horns
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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