Palanquin Convocation

Some secret socieities and cults can call what is known as the Palanquin Convocation.   Its history and how it came to be formed is unknown, but when a Palanquin Convocation is called, a sacred place is prepared and conrolled by the Semseers.   At a Palinquin Convocation:  
  • no harm can be done to an attendee
  • attendees are either witnesses or observers
  • witnesses acknowledge the truth of a thing
  • observers attend but do not declare the truth of a thing
  A Palanquin Convocation was called by Emerald’s Blaze to assert possession of the Ink of Architeuthis.   Witnessing at this Convocation:  
  • Helm Darkport of the Hidden Order, "We will trade blue chalk outlines for access to the Ink"
  • Yasar of the Mirror Host "We possess great reach and the resources of Empire"
  • Dread Child of the Starless Communion "Mama Tet was right, you are nothing but loud green songbirds in a clear sky full of hungry raptors. We want nothing to do with the Ink."
  • Knossos, servant of the Faceless Masters, "We make no claim nor promises."
  • Arch Metronome of Drana’s Hammer, "This will mean war. We welcome it."
  • Quant Zaniel Darksun, Dean of Arcane Hall of the Great University, "All great artefacts should be fully understood and a record of their function and origin be kept for the ages. Our archives are impressive with the knowledge of all existence. We would send an emissary to exchange our knowledge for the Ink."
  • Broodlord of the Nebulous Prestige, "We reserve the right to silence."
  • Jamal Clay, agent of Faithful of Fallen Sosso, "We witness only, the Sorcerer King and his faithful will take what is his. We do not bargain with pretenders. You have been witness to the destruction of the True Path, the Source Light, the Zakezi, Serra’s Knights, Battle Drums of Vecna, Glantri Tower, the Whitestar Imperials. You are witness to our destruction of the Tal Accord. If you think you may succeed where Tal has failed, we possess the dragon covenants of confinement and impressment. Oppose us and suffer the fate of a stone dropped in water; you will simply disappear. Turn the ink over to us or we will lift it from the ashes of your corpses."
  • Mocker, Nightmaster of the Western Bloc of Ol Alem, "We live to serve the will of the glorious Papan Geele. Our only purpose is to serve him."
  • Shabba Garlem, Commisar of the Golden Brazier, "This would preserve Semudan for eternity. We will trade like for like and possess the Ink. Or we will wait until you are destroyed by the Creed, or Sosso, or the Imperials, or the Order or Blasted Erg. Or. We may sound the ancient horn and call forth the Nightmare Child. We desire it and we will take it."
  • Boss Yang, agent of the Keepers of Tethys Ruin, "You have all forgotten, but we know what follows in the discontinuing wake of the Elder Gods. We would trade the hidden past for the undiscovered country."
  • Goro Liodan, executioner of the Diabolists, "Tell us what you want for unbound access. Otherwise suffer as the countless legions of hell strip your minds and peel the flesh from your bones."
  • Solstice Ashdragon of the Shadow Masters of Teyr’in, "We make no claim but warn only. You do not know the Loa, but we do. If you want to survive send this thing for keeping to the Hall of Lamentations. It's possession will not bring you victory."
  Observing at this Convocation:
  • Thirteenfold Monks
  • Bakenzenzi
  • The Order
  • Black Wizards
  • Holders of the Blue Flame
  • Mephisto Brood
  • Cult of Bhaal
  • Blue Sun Tower
  • The Revelation
  • Golden Machinists
  • Teferi Assembly
  • Ezra's Hall
  • Dark Sun Tower
  • Tamaran Arrival
  • Katabatic Tower
  • Sun Stealers
  • Thyatis Tower
  • Hadrian’s Crew
  • Butchers Bill
  • Admired Transcendentals
  • Creed of Pisceous Strange
  • Revelation
  • Djembe (the Rope)
  • Red Circle
  • Burning Brigade
  • Sadan’s Whisper
  • The Reapers
  • The Constructed Few
  • Starfall
  • Titanlight
  • Neresethans
  • Shivans Rage
  • Greyseers
  • Skullbriar Light
  • Mirror Coven

Antechamber of the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerlads Blaze
Secret, Occult


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