
The Phyrexi are an Elderday race frequently in league with Titans, Elder Things and other powerful cosmic beings, but always primarily interested in self and the spread of the toxic Phyrexi ideals.   Monstrosities from a lost empire that corrupted, contaminated and exterminated all they encountered, in modern days an outpost of Phyrexi are "allied" to the Alin.  

Chitinous Horror

Gargantuan monstrosity, any evil
Armor Class: 19 (Natural + Dexterity)
Hit Points: 536 (20d12 + 360)
Speed: 60 ft , burrow: 15 ft , swim: 30 ft , climb: 30 ft


27 +8


12 +1


26 +8


10 +0


12 +1


10 +0

Saving Throws: Strength +11, Dexterity +4, Constitution +11, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +4, Charisma +3
  • Intimidation +15
  • Perception +8
Damage Resistances: Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from magical or adamantine weapons
Damage Immunities: Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from non-magical, Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Darkvision 240"
  • Blindsight 60"
Languages: Alin, Phyrexi

  • Regeneration; Provided Chitinous Horror has 1hp at the start of its turn it regains 2d12 hit points
  • Ruthless slaughter; Critical hits cause 3x damage
  • Magic Resistance; Advantage on all saving throws vs magic
  • Chitinous Horror can hold its breath for 1 hour
  • Mechanical Fracture; all damage done by Chitinous Horror reduces the hitpoint maximum of the target by the damage done. Greater Restoration removes the hitpoint maximum reduction, Lesser Restoration or a long rest reduces the hit point maximum by 25% of the targets normal hit point maximum


  • Multiattack (8x armour spikes, 1 mandible and 1 tail)
  • Armour Spike; +18 to hit, 10" reach, 4d12+8 piercing damage, Medium size & smaller creature can only be targeted by 1x armour spikes in one round, large size & bigger creatures can only be targeted by 2x armour spikes in one round
  • Mandible attack; +18 to hit, 10" reach, 4d6+8 slashing damage + 2d6+4 poison damage, target must make constitution savings throw DC 15 or be affected by poison condition, Chitinous Horror may attempt to choose to swallow a creature medium size or smaller on a successful hit by initiating a grapple attempt, on a successful grapple the creature is swallowed and takes 4d6+8 bludgeoning damage and 4d6+4 acid damage at the end of each chitinous horror turn
  • Tail stinger; +18 to hit, 20" reach, 2d12+8 piercing damage + 2d12+8 poison damage, target must make constitution savings throw DC 15 or be affected by poison condition, at the end of the targets turn the target must a savings throw or take an additional 2d12+4 poison damage and continue to be under the effect of the poison condition


Phyrexi Horror

Large monstrosity, any evil
Armor Class: 18 (Natural + dexterity)
Hit Points: 187 (22d10+66)
Speed: 40 ft


18 +4


15 +2


15 +2


6 -2


14 +2


13 +1

  • Perception +6
  • Stealth +6
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: Poison
Condition Immunities: Frightened
  • Dimlight 360"
  • Darkvision 120"
Languages: Alin, Phyrexi

  • Sunlight Sensitivity; disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight and disadvantage to attack rolls while in full sunlight
  • Toxic Body; If the Phyrexi Horror takes piercing or slashing damage, any creature within 5" takes 2d8 poison damage


Multiattack, the Horror makes two attacks:

  • Scythe, +8 hit, reach 10", 2d10+4 slashing damage + 2d4 poison damage. Target that takes poison damage must succeed on a DC 15 Con save or take 1 level of infection (condition)


Phryexi Zealot

Medium monstrosity, neutral evil
Armor Class: 20 (Natural 13AC, +1 dexterity, +4 armour, +2 deflection)
Hit Points: 95 (10d8 +50)
Speed: 40 ft


19 +4


12 +1


20 +5


12 +1


10 +0


16 +3

Saving Throws: Constitution +10, Strength +9
Damage Resistances: Fire, Lightning, Radiant
Languages: Phyrexi, Alin
Proficiency Bonus: +5


  • Zealots have protection against celestials, hominids and elementals. All creatures of this type attack with disadvantage, and the Zealot cannot be frightened, charmed or possessed of by one them
  • If a zealot deals damage, the target must make a DC15 constitution savings throw or lose 1 of each ability score until either a long rest or lesser restoration.
  Phyrexi Soldier
  • All attacks receive +2 attack and + 4 damage against non-Phyrexian creatures and objects



  • Two greatsword melee attacks which are extensions of its metallic armour, +10 strike dealing 2d8+5 slashing damage (counts as magical)
  • Any celestial, hominid or elemental dealt damage by a Phyrexi Zealot must make a DC 18 constitution savings throw or be affacted by the posion condition until the end of the Phyrexi Zealot's next turn


First Strike

  • If attacked with a melee weapon, the Zealot may use a reaction to make a great sword attack



Small monstrosity, lawful evil
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 30
Speed: 30 ft


10 +0


15 +2


13 +1


6 -2


10 +0


6 -2

Saving Throws: Dexterity +5
Skills: Acrobatics +5
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiance
Damage Resistances: Poison, Phantom Energy
Senses: Dark vision 60"
Languages: Alin
Proficiency Bonus: +4


Claw Attack +6; melee attack, reach 5", 2d4+2 slashing damage

Bonus Actions

If a Klyun successfully strikes with it's claw attack it may make one beak attack against the same target.   Beak Attack, melle attack, range 5", damage d6 piercing damage + d8 phantom energy damage


If another Klun within 5" deals damage via a Beak Attack, another Klyun may use a reaction to increase it's AC by d3+1 until the end of its next turn

Adorable Phyrexians, the Klyun exist in staggering numbers. A typical Klyun nest contains more than ten thousand Klyun, all of whom serve a single Phyrexian Devastator. One of many drone Phyrexi, the Klyun only exist to serve the needs of the Phyrexian colony.

Phyrexi Negator

Medium monstrosity,
Armor Class: 26 (natural armour, dexterity, void blessings)
Hit Points: 99 (15d10+15)
Speed: 45 ft


10 +0


22 +6


13 +1


11 +0


17 +3


17 +3

Saving Throws: Strength +6, Dexterity +12, Constitution +7, Intelligence +6, Wisdom +9, Charisma +9
Skills: Perception +9
Investigation +6
Acrobatics +12
Athletics +6
Damage Resistances: All energy types (except force and phantom), all piercing slashing and bludgeoning damage
Condition Immunities: All condition types
Senses: Darkvision 120"
Languages: Alin, Phyrexi, Elder Thing
Proficiency Bonus: +6

Phyrexian Negator is a 15th level caster with access to all spells with the "abjuration" type including elderday magic   All spells are cast with x2 proficiency bonus and Phyrexian Negator can have 2x concentration spells in effect at anytime

Implausable Awareness, Phyrexi Negator has an automatic initiative score of 30   All Phyrexian within 30" gain +2 deflection AC and +1 to all savings throws All Phyrexian within 120" gain +1 deflection AC   All attacks against a Phyrexi Negator are made with disadvantage   Magical Resistance: All magicla savings throws are made with advantage


Multiattack - 1 spell or 2 vector attacks   2x Vector Attack; +12 range attack, range 20", 6d4+6 force damage

Bonus Actions

If another Phyrexian within 60" is attacked, the Negator may interject and add d6 to the Phyrexian's AC or savings throw (chosen at the time)


Phyrexian Negator has 2 reactions per round   If attacked Phyrexian Negator may add +d4 to AC   If required to make a savings throw, Phyrexian Negator may add +d4 to a savings throw   If damaged Phyrexain Negator automatically deals 6hp in damage of damage type dealt to it to the creature perpetraing the attack

Legendary Actions

Legendary Save: Phyrexian Negator make automatically choose to make a savings throw where it fails a savings throw up to 3x per long rest   Legendary action: 1x round give any Phyrexian creature temporary 10hp

Lair Actions

On initiave count 20:   1x creature is affected by the slow spell until the end of the Phyrexian Negator's next turn (DC 17 wisdom savings throw made with disadvantage)

Regional Effects

All Phyrexian within 1 mile of Phyrexian Negator Nest gain +1 AC, +1 savings throw and reduce all damage by 1 per attack


Phyrexian Angel - Apostle

Large monstrosity, lawful evil
Armor Class: 22 (Phyrexian Ablative Armour)
Hit Points: 231 (22d10+110)
Speed: 60 ft , fly: 240 ft , can hover


21 +5


21 +5


21 +5


18 +4


18 +4


18 +4

Saving Throws: Strength +9, Dexterity +9, Constitution +9, Intelligence +8, Wisdom +8, Charisma +8
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities: Restrained, Grappled, Incapacitated, Paralysed, Petrified, Prone, Stunned, Unconscious
Senses: Darkvision 180"
Dimlight vision 480"
Languages: Alin, Phyrexi, Eldar Thing
Proficiency Bonus: +7

At will:
Blade Ward
True Strike
Poison Spray
Mage Hand
Infestation (XGE)

True Seeing
Summon Phyrexian Spirit (cast at 7th level; AC17, 95hp) (TCA)
Maddening Darkness (XGE)

Dispel Magic
Hypnotic Pattern
Toxic Sphere (XGE)

Arms of Hadar (cast as a 3rd level spell)
Armour of Atraxas
Darkness (30" radius area)
Enthrall (disadvantage to save)

Rapidity - If Phyrexian moves 30" prior to attack, it gains advantage to the attack roll an   Foulness - within 60" of the Apostle, all conditions savings throws are made with disadvantage   Ablative armour - all damage is reduced by 2 to a total maximum of 40hp per long rest   Disruptive strike - critical attack roll is 18-20, and target must make DC constituion save DC 20 or lose one attack from its next attack round unless it takes 5hp poison damage (cannot be redirected, resisted, ignored or taken from temporary hp)


Susipvane Whip Multiattack (2x):

  • Range Attack 20", +13 attack; magical slashing damage 2d12+7 and poision damage 2d12+7, DC 20 constitution savings throw or affected by poison condition for 7 rounds (may make a save at the end of its turn to remove effect)
  Savagery (recharge 5-6):
  • Apostle deals maximum damage with its slashing damage

Bonus Actions

Noxious Link (recharge 5-6):

  • All creatures within 60" take 5hp poison damage, Apostle gains hp in damage done (to a maximum of 35hp)


Cast Blade Ward (in effect until end of Apostle's next turn)   Retaliate: If Apostle takes damage, it may strike one target with its susipvane whip (slashing damage only)   Phyrexian saviour: One Phyrexian within 60" gains 7 temporary hp (maximum number of 7 Phyrexian creatures may have temporary hp this way)

Legendary Actions

The Apostle can take 1 legendary action between its turns:

  • fly 120" or move 30" without provoking AOO; or
  • cast a spell at will


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