Pisces Maul

Wielded by the Titan Pisces who fell during the Old Ones war on Atlantis. Containing an ancient, alien intelligence imprisoned by Pisces when constructed, this devastating weapon was feared by all Elder day beings.   The only pieces whose wherabouts are known are portions of the handle, now possessed by the Skaedguard and the Ruby Imperials.   Can only be wielded by a creature of colossal status with minimum strength of 34:  
  • Whenever wielded, the possessor must make an intelligence save of DC 30 or the wielder is controlled by the alien intelligence
  • Form is immutable, can be broken up into pieces no smaller than 6' in length, width etc but shape cannot be changed
  • Attack bonus is equivalent to 50% of the wielders proficiency bonus
  • Versatile, colossal sized weapon magical bludgeoning damage
  • When wielded as a normal colossal battle maul, it has range 200' and deals 5d12/5d10 magical bludegeoning damage
  • As a bonus action, the the wielder can command the alien intelligence to wield the full power of Pisces Maul
  • An immediate level of exhaustion is gained
  • For every additional level wielded, the wielder msut make a constitution save of DC 25, increasing by 2 each round or gain another level exhaustion
  • When wielded as 'the Pisces Maul', it has range 600' and deals 15d12/15d10 (99/83) force damage - double damage vs objects and has a recharge of 5-6 on d6
  • Target is stunned and knocked prone until end of next turn unless strength save of DC 25
  • All within 30' are attacked using the same attack roll, taking force damage equal to 25% of the full damage
  • All within 30' are knocked prone unless strength save of DC 20
  • All within 30' to 120' are attacked without magical profieciency bonus, damage equal to 10% of the full damage
  • All within 30' to 120' are knocked prone unless strength save of DC 15
  • The maul ignores all walls of force, protection magic, defensive sigils etc.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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