Sapphire Crown

Nick Furry and Onai went on the run after all the SRG vanished in the Time Void and after more than year of wandering appeared in the sacred grove of the Tarathiel Elves. The seers of the Tarathiel Elves determined that Onai is the beacon for the owner of the Sapphire Crown.   When the BMG appeared in the Tarathiel realm they asked, “Are you here to look for the owner of the Sapphire Crown”. They explained that the Sapphire Crown:

  • was worn by the Eldar Kings of Queens of Atlantis;
  • was inherited by the Liadon elves, later the western Liodan;
  • was disinherited by the Western Liodan after the rise of the Devil-cult that destroyed them;
  • Inheritance of the Sapphire Crown fell to the next in line, Heian Liodan
  The Ojasi Orcs referenced the Sapphire Crown in their speech to the assembled Orcs of Yavimaya in Cyolonore: "Comrades, arise! Look above and see that the end has come.
We stand upon the ruins of our ancient enemy, the watchers of the Sapphire Crown.
Now we strike against those that would stand on our corpses to avoid the flood of impending catastrophe.”
  While in Atlantis, Ophion saw a vision of Nick Furry, atop the back of Onai. Onia flanked a magnificently clad, Heian wearing the Sapphire Crown, he understood was called Valyran.   Both Onai and Padan, both massively grown were guarding Heian, who appeared as a cosmic being.  

Sapphire Crown

Wondrous Item

Legendary Abjuration, Divination Requires Attunement

Standard abilities:
  • Move instantly to the Sapphire Temple in Atlantis, with up to 10 medium size companions, bypassing all securities, wards and protections that would otherwise block movement (1x per long rest)
  • Damage Transfer with up to 2 willing targets 1x per long rest (per 7th level casting)
  • Evasion 3x per long rest (per 5th level casting)
  • Immunity (can choose to be unaffected by spells L4 or lower)
  • Mind Blank
  • Telepathy (per the spell)
  Exhaustion level abailities:
  • 1x additional transfer of damage
  • 1x additional evasion
  • 1x Advanced immunity (choose to ignore 5th or 6th level spell)
  • 1x Minion Sword
  • 1x Sapphire Temple Merge (2x levels exhaustion)

Item type
Unique Artifact


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