Shree Bel

The Shree Bel Templex complex contains temples once dedicated to but now profaned:
  • Eldath, Goddess of Peace
  • Ilmater, God of Endurance
  • Mielikki, Goddess of Forests
  • Lathander, God of birth and renewal
  • Chauntea, Goddess of Agriculture
The original towers were a retreat for the lesser nobles of Sosso before being assigned to the arcanists in the Court of Sosso. The only remaining tower is the decrepit Kosi Tower that contains an underground safehouse for the Sorcerers of Sosso that is only accessible during the times that the Lacuna of the Sorcerer King is synced with real time.

Work on the temple complex commenced more than 300 years ago as a bulwark against the darkness of fallen Sosso. It was a place of refuge in the darkness of the jungle in the areas of historical Sosso that were now cursed and inhabited by terrors great and small.

After the destruction of the Tal Accord by the Faithful of Sosso, Shree Bel was the final holdout in the historical lands of Sosso not controlled by the Faithful until it eventually fell. It succumbed after a 12 month siege following the destruction of the Tal Accord, where the inhabitants had limited ability to (if any) teleportation, plane shifting or phasing due to force exerted by the Sorcerer King.

Evidence remains of the battles fought by summoned celestials and their Shree Bel allies against the demons and undead sent against them by the Sorcerer King. Remnants of large-scale dimensional anchor weapons used during the war surround Shree Bal can be found among the spiked skeletons of the final defenders.

Now controlled by the Tak Kosi, Zealot of Sosso and his circle of dark priests, the fall off Shree Bel has pushed normal trade and travellers to use alternate routes to travel from the coastal city of Garopela and the Semudan capiotal Zanji.

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