Solis Major

  • The capital city of the Kingdom of Jorentes.
  • Solis Major is spread along a rising mountain valley pass that guards many passes to the interior of the Saturn Mountains and the Jorentes Plateau.  The most famous and easily traversed is the Dornacel Highway that links up with all the major trade routes that head east to the Radiant Sea.
  • Due to it's location and elevation, Solis Major is often engulfed in cloud or even above the clouds.  It is a mild summer city, however winters are cold with frequent heavy snowfalls.
  • Each of the 6 city districts has a central marketplace, religious quarter, fortress, customs house and residential quarters.


  • Human 90%
  • Dwarven 5%
  • Elven 3%
  • Halfing 1%
  • Gnome and other 1%


  • While the royal family rule all of Jorentes, running of the city is left to the Archduke of the Sunsword.  
  • This position is appointed every 2 years by royal appointment.


  • The outer eastern facing walls are reinforced stone walls running 2km, averaging 10m in height with war towers every 50m
  • There are 6 inner walls run all the way up the side of the mountain until the final 7th wall, the famous Zamakut Walls which stand over 50m tall
  • Looming above the Zamakut Walls is Solis Minor
  • Solis Minor - the royal fortress where the Jorentes family reside All arms of the Jorentes military have permanent presence her including the Royal Solar Army, Sunscale and the Solar Storm
  • The defences on the western side are a series of interlocked fortresses and reinforced dam walls guarding access to Scholar Lake and the Jorentes plateau beyond  


  • Solis Major was under siege on 3 occassions over a 50 year period with successive waves of Helegu invaders from the east, the last of which was 200 years ago.
  • Always an important city, after the previous Jorentes capaital - Prius - was destroyed, Solis Major became the capital

the first district, the largest of all 6 city districts

Zamakut Walls

Royal Cloud Gradens
Alternative Name(s)
Cloud City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location


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