Teyrin Elves

  • Covered in blue tattoos, the Teyrin are a wide ranging, frequently nomadic and hidden kingdom of elves that stretch across much of the Hadean.
  • Secretive in the extreme, the Teyrin are wild elves who lead largely nomadic lives. Skin colour is pale and slightly luminescent when born before darkening into a deep ivory when mature.
  • They avoid contact with other races, only occasionally making an appearance in the wider world. Even other elves find them difficult to locate and interact with.
  • In the city of Maa, the SRG encountered a large gathering of Teyrin who had come to discuss an incursion of unknown foes into one of their sacred places. They possessed the heads of two of the foes, that were identified by the SRG as Carkade.
  • Ruled over by Shadow Watchers, the rulers of Teyrin rulers communicate through proxies when dealing with the outside world.
  • It is believed that the Shadow Watchers meet in the Hall of Lamentations. There are chambers in the Hall accessibale only to the Teyrin that hold scared artefacts of tremendous force.
  • The Teyrin elves are part a collective unconscious.
  • Collective unconscious is made up of a collection of knowledge and imagery that every Teyrin Elf is born with and is shared memories by all Teyrin Elves linked by ancestral experience. Teyrin Elves know the thoughts and images in their collective unconscious and in moments of crisis can tap into the collective unconscious.
Palanquin Convocation
  • Solstice Ashdragon, Shadow Master of Teyrin was a witness at the Palanquin Convocation
  • "We make no claim on the Ink but warn only.
    You do not know the Loa, but we do
    If you want to survive send this thing for keeping to the Hall of Lamentations.
    It's possession will not bring you victory."
Preferred character classes
  • Barbarian
  • Druid
  • Sorcerer
  • Ranger

Symbol of the Teyrin


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