Zocc Merr

Zocc Merr

Medium human ranger,
Armor Class: 24 (Mithral Half Plate +2 + Dex + Loa blessing)
Hit Points: 184 ( 10 + 19d10 + 60)
Speed: 40 ft


13 +1


22 +6


16 +3


9 -1


15 +2


18 +4

Saving Throws: Strength +7, Dexterity +12
  • Survival
  • Stealth
  • Perception
  • Athletics
  • Guitar
  • Insight
Damage Resistances: Poison, Fire
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned
  • Blindsight 30"
Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Giant
Proficiency Bonus: +6

Spells Known: 13 (Lao blessing for additional 2):

  • Speak with animals
  • Hail of Thorns
  • Silence
  • Darkvision
  • Nondetection
  • Wind Wall
  • Locate Creature
  • Stoneskin
  • Commune with Nature
  • Tree Stride
  • Detect Magic
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Speak with Plants
  Spell Slots:
  • Level 1 - 4
  • Level 2 - 3
  • Level 3 - 3
  • Level 4 - 3
  • Level 5 - 2

  • Favoured enemy (Human, Hobgoblin; advantage on track rolls)
  • Favoured enemy (Giant; advantage on track rolls)
  • Favoured enemy (Undead; advantage on track rolls)
  • Natural Explorer (forest; x2 proficiency bonus for intelligence or wisdom skill rolls)
  • Natural Explorer (mountain; x2 proficiency bonus for intelligence or wisdom skill rolls)
  • Natural Explorer (grassland; x2 proficiency bonus for intelligence or wisdom skill rolls)
  • Fighting Style (archery; +2 attack roll)
  • Primeval Awareness (works on favoured enemies, aberrations, elementals, fey, fiends)
  • Extra Attack
  • Lands Stride (ignore movement penalties)
  • Hide in Plain Sight
  • Vanish (use bonus action to hide)
  • Feral senses (blindsight)
  • Foe Slayer (1x round add wisdom bonus to attack or damage roll against favoured enemy)
  • Horde breaker (1x turn make 1 extra attack against another creature within 5")
  • Escape the Horde (AOO against Zocc Merr have disadvantage)
  • Volley multiattack (Use action to make 1x attack against all creatures within 10" of one point)
  • Uncanny Dodge (reaction to halve damage from one attack against ZM if he can see the attacker)
  • Advantage save vs spells (from Scarab of Protection)



  • Longbow (x2) +14 attack, d8+8 (150"/600") + Oathbow sworn enemy
  • Sword (x2) +9 attack, d8/d10 +3


  • Kinsugi (1x long rest, armour gains +2 for d3+1 turns)

Legendary Actions

  • 3x long rest use bonus action to heal 6d4 hp or eliminate 1 level of exhaustion

  • Oathbow (make a creature a sworn enemny, gain advantage on attack rolls and add 3d6 piercing damage)*
  • Mithral Half Plate +2
  • Scarab of Protections*
  • Perapt of Wound Closure
  • Loa blessing (+2 known spells)
  • Baron Semedi Blessing (3x LR maximum damage vs undead)
  • 2x sending stones (2 of his closest confidants have the other)



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