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Bodies of Government

Bodies of Government on Honarth

Honarth is a highly advanced technological society, but it is also plagued by corruption within its political and corporate sectors. Despite this, the government has maintained a stable balance of power through its multiple branches of government, each with specific responsibilities and duties.  

The Councillors

The Councillors make up the parliamentary council of Honarth and are elected officials with legislative powers. They are responsible for creating and passing laws that govern the society. This branch of government acts as the legislative branch, representing the will of the people and making decisions that affect the overall direction of the society. Elections are held every 4 years but the year of the elections varies from region to region. The most important elections are held in Honiar and Arthis, the two largest cities that house over 85% of Honarth's population.  

The Judiciary Oversight

The Judiciary Oversight serves as the higher level judicial branch, responsible for ensuring the correct operations of courts and overseeing the education, training, appointment, and performance of elected judges. They hold elections to elect new judges and maintain the integrity of the judicial system on Honarth. Elections are held every 4 years in the similar fashion as the Councillors elections, but with rather low voter participation.   Read more on the Judicial System.  

The Administrative Authority

The Administrative Authority serves as the bureaucracy branch, responsible for implementing new laws and protocols throughout all public governmental infrastructure. They work to ensure that all government agencies are operating efficiently and effectively to serve the needs of the people.  

Executive Control

Executive Control serves as the executive branch, overseeing all law enforcement agencies such as URBAN and TAC. They are responsible for training and appointing new officers and ensuring that law enforcement agencies are operating within the bounds of the law and protecting the citizens of Honarth.   Read more on Law Enforcement Agencies  

Corruption in Government & Politics

Despite the efforts of the different branches of government, corruption continues to be a problem within the political and corporate sectors of Honarth. Officials can be bought out by corporations, leading to policies that favor the interests of the corporations over the citizens.  

For Game Masters

Game masters can use the different branches of government as a backdrop for political intrigue and power struggles within the world of Honarth. Characters can be involved in uncovering corruption within the government, working to bring justice to those in power who abuse their positions.  

Adventure Hooks

  • Characters are hired by the Judiciary Oversight to investigate and bring to justice a corrupt judge.
  • The Administrative Authority is corrupt and the characters are tasked with finding evidence to bring them down.
  • A Councillor approaches the characters for help in uncovering a bribery scheme within their own ranks.
  • The Executive Control has been infiltrated by a criminal organization and the characters must work to expose the corruption and bring the organization to justice.
Notable Members

Table of Contents


Government & Politics


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