
Frxaken, also known as "The Rift" is one of the largest trenches located on Reminia and the main location where the Reminian Colonists survive.   Small settlements are dotted throughout the trench at strategic locations in an attempt to increase survival chances, with the largest settlement being the Syzygy Colony, built on the remains of the previous colonies sent and/or crashed there.


Stretching across the barren landscape of Reminia, the Frxaken is one of many chasms that provides refuge from the scorching surface. It's characterised by towering cliffs, jagged walls as well as it's immense depth, plunging thousands of meters beneath the surface. Despite being a deep trench, there is no surface water located within it, resulting in Reminian colonists resorting to the use of deep water pumping stations.

Localized Phenomena

Besides the local flora and fauna, Reminian colonists have to face dangers such as unstable rock formations, cave ins and sudden shifts in underground aquifiers.


Frxaken has developed a relatively cooler microclimate, due to it's depth providing shelter from the heat of the Reminian sun, allowing for life to grow.

Fauna & Flora

The majority of creatures in Frxaken are either highly aggressive or just dangerous. The most dangerous would be considered the Ultrablack. Most are edible, which has caused a large shift in the colonist diet to be more meat-based, since the earth there makes them sick.

Natural Resources

Frxaken is abundant in precious elements and metals, such as Platinum. What the colonists don't use for reenforcing their settlements are taken to Care Package locations and are inserted in exchange for goods.
Alternative Name(s)
The Rift
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